Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

Dose of Reality

The "worst car ride in history" award went to the Winchester impala. 8 hours of sheer awkwardness, from the borders of Ohio to Wall Street, New York. Sympathy had to go to Sam, for he was caught in the middle of today's drama. The poor guy was scared to breathe. More times than once, Dean glanced into his rear view mirror. Melinda sat with her arms folded in the backseat, glaring out the window with creased eyebrows.

More times then once, Melinda would also shift her eyes to the front of the car at the back of Dean's head, scowling at him like he was the Devil rencarnated. She didn't plan on talking to him for a long, long time.

Dean looked at Sam breifly, then at the rear view mirror. Melinda still looking away, frowning with anger. Dean rolled his eyes, but he knew he had to break the silent treatment sooner or later.
He cleared his throat.

"You never told me when this whole thing started." Dean looked at his mirror. Sam turned his head to his brother, cautiously. He knew he shouldn't get into the fight, but he didn't want the drama to resurface. He leaned in closer to Dean. "Dean," he whispered, attempted to halt him. Dean looked at Sam. "No, I wanna know." Dean spoke again.

Melinda simply continued to stare out the window, wordlessly. She bit the inside of her lip to remind herself of her utter hatred for her brother at the moment. Dean waited a moment for her to answer. When his question remained unanswered, he shifted in his seat and cleared licked his lips, preparing himself for a fight.

"What? You're not going to say anything?" Dean paused again. Melinda stayed silent. Sam turned to Dean again. "Dean, I really don't think--"
"What? What Sam? You don't think I should ask? You don't think I of all people deserve to know what's going on? She's your sister too, Sam. Don't tell me your not the least bit pissed she's kept this from us!"

Melinda tightend the grip on her folded arms, pulling them closer to her, squeezing herself. She kept her eyes to the window. "Fine then. The tell me this, aren't you the least bit ashamed--"
"You don't understand." Melinda finally spoke, defending herself.

Dean stopped, then came up with a new approach. "Yes, I remember you saying I didn't understand. I don't understand what, Melinda? You're undying love for an angel? Yeah, I guess I don't understand," He looked at her once more. "Explain yourself."

Melinda paused, staring wildly at Dean, working up the courage to tell him everything. "Castiel," Melinda was hesitant to explain, "wanted me to teach him how to feel touch, feel emotion..." Melinda stopped for a moment, hoping Dean will buy into what she was saying. "How to love." She finally finished.

The impala swurved on the road a little, as Dean lost, the regained control of the wheel. He stared directly into Melinda's eyes in the rear view mirror. "Love?" He paused at first, still taken back by her reasoning. "You're going to teach an angel how to love?" Dean said with faked intrigue. His tone was quieter than usually, but it was still Dean talking. He spoke in a way that would make Melinda reconsider everything.

She thought for a minute about everything. Dean's method half-working; Melinda slowly began to understand how rediculous her efforts were. However, Melinda kept the her new feelings hidden, and pressed on like she did nothing wrong. "Yes Dean, I'm teaching him how to love. I hope that's not a problem." She empathized problem.

All of a sudden, the car came to a screeching halt as Dean pulled over to the shoulder of the road. He jammed the gear in park and slowly turned around in his seat, looking back at Melinda.

Sam looked around, first back at Melinda, then nervously at Dean. "Dean, what are you doing? Forget about it and just drive." He whispered with urgency. Dean simply ignored him and continued to glare at his sister. "You don't know the first thing about love." Dean's voice low and monotonous.

Melinda scowled at him. "I know more about it than you do." She retaliated.
"I'm willing to bet you don't, you see, first of all, you can't teach someone how to love. It's a human emotion you're born with, something Cas doesn't posess."

Melinda eased up on her scowling to actually listen to Dean's valid points. "Secondly, I'm now convinced you're the one who needs to learn how to love, because you can't, and you won't ever be with him. And if by some mircale you do, Melinda, he'll get you hurt... or worse. Not only because of Lilith," he paused. Melinda's eyes glossy, but not teary. "But because you are a human, and he is an angel. That's the most screwed up combination in the world," Dean narrowed his eyes on her. "And I think you know that."

Dean turned around in his seat and took the car out of park as Melinda sat back, fighting the build up of tears. She shielded her wet eyes from everything and continued to focus on the window.

Sam waited for a few minuted of silence to pass before her turned to Dean and whispered, "So, you're never going to ask for Cas's help again?"

Dean quickly looked at Melinda, then back at the road. "No way in Holy Hell, Sam."
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I'll only be able to update this story once or twice a week, or just once everyone Sunday.