Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart


Melinda opened her eyes to barren scene. Fast moving purple skies against a desert backdrop. Could have been the outskirts of Las Vegas, or Arizona, maybe. It was windy, and not a soul in sight. Though she was alone, Melinda was the farthest thing from afraid. She walked along her surroundings; her footsteps silent. She knew she was dreaming. She knew this wasn't real. It could only be real when Castiel showed up.

If he showed up.

It was highly doubtful. If anything, he was scared to see her again. In fear of Dean turning dark side, Melinda assumed Castiel would stay in hiding. It was the right thing to do. Melinda would rather never see Castiel again then have her brother turn evil. But how could she be certain Dean wasn't bluffing? If he was, then Castiel has no reason to stay away from her.

It was all too confusing. Melinda just knew she had to find him.

"Castiel!" Melinda called out. Her reply was nothing but the wind. She ran foreward, still calling his name. "Castiel!"
There was no answer.

Melinda would have torn her whole dream up just looking for him, but soon she realized that would have been completely useless, because Castiel was definately not here. Melinda was ready to wake herself up.

"I have very important things to tend to, Melinda, I hope this meeting does not waste my time." Castiel appeared behind Melinda at last. Melinda whipped herself around, smiling with relief. Happy he had come.

"I'm glad you're here," Melinda went to him, locking her arms around him, pressing her face into his chest. "everything is falling apart." Melinda felt a moment of weakness wash over her, but sh stopped herself from letting it show. She noticed Castiel hadn't accpeted the hug; his arms weren't around her. They weren't symmetical in the least.

Melinda pulled away to look at him, sitll holding on loosely to his waist. Castiel turned his head away, avoiding eye contact. Melinda studied him with a worried face. She dropped her arms from his waist. "Cas?"

Castiel looked at her with sore and angered eyes. "What do you want?" He said through barred teeth. He glared straight at her, hunching over slightly. Now Melinda was scared. This was still a dream, but it was still real. She stepped back.

"Castiel..." Melinda started. He turned away from her, and began to walk. Melinda chased after him, reaching her arm out and pulling him back. "Hey! Talk to me!" Melnida demanded. She whipped Castiel around to face her. She looked deep into his uncompassionate eyes.

"What's going on?" She spoke. Castiel stayed silent, wanting to look away, but knew he couldn't. "Does this have anything to do with Dean.. and what happend today? Because I'm sorry, Dean's a jerk. But we can't let that get in the way--" Melinda cut herself off.

Castiel scowled at her. "In the way of what? Us?"

Melinda felt her heart sink, and beating dull in her chest. Sickness plagued her. She knew what came next. "Well.. yeah, I---" Melinda cut herself off again. "I thought you wanted me to teach you how to feel. You don't want that anymore?"

Castiel glared at her, then walked foreward, pushing passed her. "No," his voice boomed. "Not with Dean around." Castiel declared. Melinad watched him as he continued to walk away, then eventually out of sight. All that lay ahead was a barren desert with a purple sky.

Melinda was now alone in her dream, her heart bleeding. On realizing Castiel had left her, in more ways than one, Melinda fell to her knees, burying her face into her hands.

The car pulled to a stop. A traffic jam. Dean continued to stare at the dark road and car break lights ahead. Fatigued, he let his head hang loosely on his neck. Sam turned his head to Dean, then turned in his seat to look back at his sister sleeping. He smiled at how peaceful she looked, then turned back around.

He failed to see the tears rolling down her face.
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