Status: Finished

I Eat Cupcakes For Breakfast

No show

August's P.O.V.

Nate has to stay in the hospital for five more days. After to school I go straight to the hospital. It's terrible going to school with Chris still there. It's really scary. I know he was the one that did all of the stuff to Nate, but there's no evidence. Nate can't remember anything. Only a few things. I don't want to bother him though. He's in a lot of pain.

The bell rings and I jump out of my seat, anxious to see Nate again. I run to my locker and grab my things. I shut it, saying good bye to Robin and Andrew. I walk quickly to my car and sit down in the seat, when I'm about to close the door a hand stops me. I look up, startled.

It's Chris.

Nate's P.O.V.

Doctor Amy checks my arm and leg that are injured and I glance at the clock nervously. August should be here by now. Amy smiles calmly at me.

"Probably traffic or get held back at school. She'll get here. She comes everyday. Why would today be any different?" She asks, laughing softly. I chew my lip and play with my phone. Hopefully she'll call or something.

After an hour she's still a no show. I'm bouncing my good leg. Doctor Amy comes in, not smiling.

"Still not here?" She asks quietly. I nod. Her frown grows.

"Call her. Or your brother." She says handing me my phone that I dropped. I nod and try her cell phone.

"Hey, you reached August's phone. Leave a message and all that crap. Byee." Her voice mail tells me. I sigh.

"Auggie, It's me, Nate. Call me back. I love you. Bye." I say sadly. I close my phone and then open it again and call Eddie's phone. He answers on the second ring.

"Hey Nate." He says cheerfully.

"Hey...Uhh...Have you talked to August?" I ask, worry in my voice.

"Uhhh, nope. Isn't she supposed to be with you. School ended an hour ago. The school didnt call saying she got in trouble. That's weird. Did you call her cell?" He asks, starting to worry also.

"Yeah, no answer. Dude, I'm worried. What if the person that hurted me is after her now too?" I ask, my heart beating faster than normal. A nurse walks into the room and frowns at my phone.

"Hun, your getting worked up. You need to hang up." She demands softly. I frown.

"But nurse, my girl friend, she's really late and not answering her phone. Have any accidents been reported?" I ask nervously. She nods.

"Yes. But not a car. About twenty minutes ago a girl was found." She tells me sadly. My eyes widen and I tell Eddie I have to go.

"Does she have brown hair? Short?" I ask, breathing quicker. She gulps and nods.

"Yes." She whispers. Tears threaten to spill over my eyes. I sit back in my bed.

"Is she alive?" I whisper. She frowns.

"Just barely."

"What happened?" I ask. She shrugs.

"I'll get your doctor. Doctor Amy. She knows." She tells me hurrying out of my room. I text one handingly Eddie telling him to get over here as soon as possible. Doctor Amy walks into the office and looks at me. I wipe my eyes, which have let a few tears go. She walks over and sits on the chair that is next to my bed and sighs.

"August was found. In the school parking lot. She was raped and beating. Beating basically to death. She's barely alive though. We aren't sure if she's going to make it." She says, her eyes glistening with tears. My tears overflowing and falling down my cheeks. Eddie walks into the room and right then he frowns. He knows somthing is wrong.

"What happend?" He asks running over to us, sitting next to me on my bed.

"August is dying. She was raped and beating." I say inbetween my sobs. Eddie's eyes immiadiatly water and he looks down at his hands.

"Do you know who did it?" I ask, my voice hoarse. She nods.

"The police found him running away. His name was....Chris. I think. Yeah! Chris. He did it. And he confessed. He was the one that beat you to." She says patting my good leg. I wipe my eyes.

"Bastard." I spat. Eddie wipes his eyes.

"Ummm...can I see her?" He asks. Amy nods.

"Yes. But it isn't pretty. He beat her pretty bad." She explains. Eddie nods and stands up.

"I need to see her." I demand. Amy frowns sadly.

"Nate, you can't." She says, tears filling her eyes. I shrug.

"I need to. I have to." I say...demand. She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Hun....okay." She says. She puts me in a wheel chair and Eddie pushes me along the hall. We walk down a few halls and turn into a room.

Augst is laying in the bed, her face has bruises and cuts all over it. She looks like crap. Eddie pushes me up to her and I grab her hand. I look at her face. Her eyes flutter open and she turns her head to me and smiles.

"I love you." She whispers. Tears run down my face.

"I love you too. August?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She asks weakly.

"Don't die."
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy Potatoes. Haha, didnt see that coming did you? Welll....this story is pretty perdictable so I don't blame you if you did see it. I hoped you liked it.

Thank you everyone that did comment or subscribe. You are all freaking amazing!!!