Status: Finished

I Eat Cupcakes For Breakfast

Hugs for Everyone

August's P.O.V.

"Be my girlfriend?" Marcus as me, smiling hopefully. I bite my lower lip, looking down at my hands.
"Umm...." I start but then shut my mouth. He cant already be asking me this?! I hear him sigh lightly.

"It's okay. I'll give you more time. But i'll wait for you." Saying this reminds me of the night Nate and I confessed our love for eachother. I hold back the tears and look up at him. He likes me, a girl a year younger than him, and always made fun of him. But I guess that was all in the past but still.
"Why do you like me?" I ask him. He shurgs and brushes out a loose strand of hair from my face.
"What's not to like?" He asks me in a whisper. A blush sweeps across my cheeks, making him chuckle.

"I'm a year younger than you, i'm short, ugly-" He cuts me off, shaking his head.

"How can you say you're ugly?'re beautiful." And with that, he grabs the back of my neck, bringing me in for a kiss.
"Who knew my brother was a charmer?" Robin says laughing as she walked into the room, making Marcus and I pull apart. I kick her leg as I hop down from the counter. She laughs and rubs her calf.
"Hey! It was cute. And I approve of you Auggie. And I think it's cute you and my brother are dating now. It'll help get your mind off of Nate." As she says his name, I cringe. Marcus notices and pulls me into a hug.
"Rob, don't say his name. It bothers Auggie." He tells Robin, kissing the top of my head. I smile and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Thanks Marcus." I whisper into his chest. He grins.

"You're welcome hun." He leans down and touches his lips with mine.

"Hey! I approve of your dating but do not kiss around me!" She yells inbetween bites of her cookie. I laugh and take the finishing bite of my cupcake, grinning.
"Summer is in two days!!" I shout. Marcus and Robin laugh.

"Yay! Then we're seniors!" Robin screams. As she says this, Marcus stops smiling and looks at me solemly. I cock my head to the side.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. He frowns,"I'm going to College next year. I'm a senoir, Tomorrow is my last day of high school." I copy his frowning.

"Where are you going to college?" I ask quietly. Robin also stopped smiling and was listening intently."I'm going to the University of New York." My heart drops.

"New York?" He nods and I lean against the refridgerator, closing my eyes,"That's so far away." I whisper under my breath.

"We've got three months together though." He tells me, hugging me. I nod and rest my head on his chest.

"You guys are so cute. That was quite sad though. The whole "Thats so far away. thing. Lets go for a walk guys! Maybe the park? I'll call Andrew." Robin whips out her cell and calls Andrew. She walks out of the room smiling. I turn to Marcus.
"Will you wait for me?" I ask him. He grins and leans down, kissing my head. As he pulls away he nods.
"Why wouldnt I?" I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. He grins mischeiveously and takes my arms away from him and he swiftly picks me up bridal style and spins me in circles. I laugh.
"That's not random at all." Robin says walking into the room. I laugh even more and Marcus sets me down.
"Are we going?" He asks. She nods and tells her parents we're leaving.


"Swings?" I ask Marcus, already sprinting for them. He laughs and runs after me. I settle down on a swing and start to pump my legs. Marcus just pushes himself lightly, only a few feet off the ground.

Andrew and Robin are running around on the playground. We are very childish but what are you going to do about it? As I get higher I open my eyes and look around. As I swing forward two people catch my eye. Familiar people. Once I swing backwards I skid to a stop.
"Marcus...can we leave?" I ask him in a small voice. He turns his attention away from the sky and looks at me, cocking his head to the side.
"Why?" He asks me. I gulp.


"August?" Hearing that voice I squeeze my eyes shut. I hear a low growl come from Marcus' throat. Tears threaten to spill over my eyes when I open them. Nate is standing there with Amelia hanging off his arm. A tear falls. All the memories come back. Two people are at my side and one still on the swing. Robin places her hand on my shoulder and Andrew is glaring at Nate.
"Hey Rob, Andy. Marcus." Nate greets,"August." He says my voice in a whisper. I look into his brown eyes but my vision is blurred by my tears.
"Nate." I whimper,"Lets go Auggie." Robin whispers in my ear. I gulp, nodding slowly. I stand up and look at my beat up black converse. Marcus grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug. I cry into his shoulder, holding onto his shirt. My sobbs are worst than the day I found out Nate cheated on me. I guess seeing him brought it all away. Marcus pulls away from me and Andrew hugs me. I continue to sob, just as hard. He rubs my back and Robin touches my shoulder.

"Why are you here?!" I hear Marcus yell.

"This is a public park! I can be here if I want to!" Nate yells back, just as loud.

"I mean, why did you come talk to August?!"

"I-I wanted t-to see her." Nate's voice cracks several times. God, he's crying. That makes my sobs increase. I hear a slap.

"You hurt her. Too much." Marcus growls. I hear a quiet sob.

"I know. I d-didnt mean t-to." Marcus laughs harshly.

"You cheated on her for what? Four months. You really hurt her."

"I-I k-know."

"Whatever. Come near her and you'll never see her again." He threatens, walking towards me. He grabs me and holds me against him. I let go and look back at Nate. His eyes are watery and tears are falling down his cheeks. Probably mimicking mine. He has a pleading look in his eyes. I let go of Marcus and walk shakily to Nate. Amelia already left. I guess she had enough of a heart to leave him alone. Marcus grabs my arm.
"August, what the hell are you doing?!" He asks me. I shake his arm off.

"I need to hug him. One more time." I whisper, walking back to Nate. He smiles weakly and Opens his arms. I walk into them and hug him tightly. I breathe in his scent.
A faint scent of cologne and something else I cant touch.
"August." he whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I squeeze him and lay my head on his chest.

Do I still love him?
♠ ♠ ♠
Does Anyone want a chapter in Nate's P.O.V?
If you do let me know : ]
And thankyou my wonderfull readers for being so wonderfull
I'm going to have about 10 more chapters left. And i'm writing a squel : ]
Opinions on Nate and Marcus.
Who should she end up with? Any ideas?
Leave a comment letting me know ; ]