Status: Finished

I Eat Cupcakes For Breakfast

Never forget that

August's P.O.V.

"C'mon Auggie, you packed yet?" Nate asks me walking into the room. We're going to the beach. I laugh, nodding.
"Yup, let's go!" I say. Robin and Andrew are sitting in the car with Eddie and Emily. I plop myself down in the passenger seat. Nate sits in the drivers side and pulls out of the driveway. I put my feet on the dashboard and sigh.
"This is going to be fun." I say quietly, smiling. Nate smiles knowingly and grabs my hand.

"Yup. I have a surprise." I hear a few people giggle in the back. Robin and Emily. I cock my head to the side."What kind of surprise?" I ask. He grins and shakes his head.
"I can't tell you. It wouldnt be a surprise anymore then." I sigh, crossing my arms on my chest.
"Fine. I'm taking a nap." I say, chuckling. I close my eyes and fall asleep.


"August...wake up." Nate whispers, shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes, groaning.

"Why?" I ask groggily."We're here." And with that I jump out of the car, facing the beach. The sand is almost white and the water is a blueish green. I peel off my clothes and run towards the beach in my bathing suit. I run into the warm water and splash in the waves. I havent been here in years. Not since I was four or five. When my mom was here. I stop running when the water is thigh high. I look out at the sky. It's a clear bright blue and there are only a few tiny clouds. I turn around and see Robin and Emily suntanning and the guys are setting up the blankets.

I walk towards the shore and grab a handfull of wet sand in my hands. I run up to Robin and drop it on her stomache. She lets out a shrill scream and looks up at me, glaring.
"Oh my gosh! You better run!" She screams. I laugh and start sprinting away from her. I run into the water and pick up more sand. Robin does also and throws it at my, hitting my stomache. I throw some back but she dunks and it hits Nate.

By the time the sun is almost setting everyone is covered in muddy, wet sand.
"That was fun." I say, walking into the water to wash myself off. Everyone follows me and we let the water get rid of the sand. We just float around in the water and then Nate gets a terrible idea.
"Lets play chicken!" He yells. All the guys agree and force us on their shoulders. I get on Nates and he starts to move us to Robin and Andrew. I attempt pushing Robin over but instead she pushes me and I fall into the deep water. I dont come up for a few seconds because of the waves pushing me down, but I do. Nate takes me back to the shore and I cough up the salty water. He pats my back and pulls me onto his lap. I lay my head on his chest and we watch them float around in the water.
"Hey Augs, you wanna go for a walk?" He asks. I smile and nod.
He helps me off the ground and we start walking along the water. He rolled up his jeans so he looks like a guy from the fifties.

Once we were away from them, that we could barely hear their shouts and laughing we sit on the sand.
"So Auggie...I know we are only 18 but...I have a question." He starts. My heart beat quickens to an abnormal rate.
"And....?" He pulls me off the ground so I'm standing. Then he gets down on one knee. I'm practically hypervenalating.
"Will you marry me?" I gulp and nod my head, grinning. Tears start falling down my cheeks and he picks me up and spins me in circles like in movies.
"I love you August." He whispers in my ear. I giggle and kiss him on the lips. When we pull away i lean my forehead on his.
"I love you too."


I run up to Robin and Emily already on the verge of peeing my pants. I'm in knee deep water and am jumping up and down.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!" I scream, just getting it all out. Robin and Emily laugh.

"He already asked you! He said he was going to do it later!" Robin says, making apouty face. I stick my touge out and look at the beautiful ring.

"Let me see!" Robin says grabbing my hand. She gasps at the ring."It's so beautiful." She whispers. Emily steals my hand away and also gasps.

"It's so pretty." She says like a little kid. "Well, i'm going to get out of the ocean before it falls into it and I loose it." I say running back to the shore. Nate is talking to Eddie and Andrew. Eddie is yelling at him and Andrew is glaring. When I walk over Eddie gives me a sad look and then smiles weakly. Andrew gives me a pathetic attempt of a smile and walks over to Emily and Robin.
"What was that all about hun?" I ask curiously. He shrugs and hugs me.

"It was nothing. I love you. I always will. Never forget that."

And I wish I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter left : [
I have four chapters of the sequel finished.
I think some of you will be angry with me when you read it but oh well.
I have it all planned.
I'll try and finish this tonight. And get the first chapter out by tomorrow, or tonight to. : ]