Status: Work In Progress

Attatched at the Lips

The First Sign

Everything with Damien had gone, well... I guess you could say fine. But now I was packing the last of my things as tears fell heavily down my face. We left in about 3 hours for Jacksonville. My one last goodbye to Damien was going to hurt, and I well knew and expected that. But no matter what, it would still hurt, no less than if I hadn't known. But soon enough, I would be back with him again. Though, I know it won't seem nearly soon enough. It would seem like forever away from my fiance. Forgive me for moping like a poor, lonely romantic, but my fiance will soon be a from a few meters from my door step, to many miles. And I am greatly pained by that. I think you would be too.
I let out my exaggerated sigh and zippered the last of my suitcases shut. With minimal difficulty, I rolled the 4-piece luggage set jam packed with everything that I didn't trust a moving company with. So, basically anything and everything that I can fit in there. I think I even put a tiny little Barbie kitchen sink in there somewhere. But, I don't know and quite frankly I don't care right now. All I care about is getting through the next few months and then getting back here. And hopefully, soon, when Bella's of age too, she'll come back. Then everything will be fine again, and it'll be like nothing bad ever happened. Why must I always jinx myself? I mean, now that I'm wishing, hoping and waiting for it, it'll never happen. I'm just so smart some days.
Damien and I sparred few words to each other, not sure what to say, or how to say it even. So as he helped me load everything into the car that had not too long ago taken Bella to the airport, silence engulfed us. We weren't flying to Jacksonville, Mom had decided that instead she wanted to take the scenic route. So basically we were all doomed. And to make matters worse, her and Phil were switching drivers, Phil would drive during the day and Mom during the night. So for all we know, we could very easily wake up in Kentucky or Nebraska.
As the last of my bags was loaded into the trunk, Damien slammed it shut tightly. We turned to each other and I felt my eyes glaze over. His strong arms pulled me against his chest and into an emotion filled hug. The water in my eyes turned to escaping tears as it dawned on me that this would be the last time I'd see his face in person or feel the touch of his warm skin on my cool skin for a very long time.
A honk from the car jolted me from my thoughts and I rushed to the car. I'd always been horrible with goodbyes and would much rather avoid them. I'd make sure to call him when we stopped later though, just to make sure he knew how much I already missed him and wished we were together so that he could be with me and the baby I was carrying.
And to those thoughts, I fell asleep in the back seat of the car, crammed between the suitcases that didn't fit in the trunk and tears running down my cheeks.

In my dream, it was just like real life. I was with Bella again, and Damien was with us too. I was much more pregnant and we were standing in the middle of the forest. Damien was curious as to why we were here, Bella was strong but scared, and I was looking around for someone or something, but only catching blurs of it. I wrapped my arms over my protruding stomach and all around us I could hear his raspy voice. No, there was more than just him. There was five of them. One woman, and four men. They all rasped in unison, "as if you could outrun me... as if you could fight me off... I was made to kill you... everything about me draws you in..."
Bella shakily answered out, "You're a vampire."
Everything then went into slow motion and I saw the woman shove her hand through Damien's chest and kill him, and my stomach shrink down to a normal size as one of the men wrapped his arms around me from behind protectively. Two more men helped kill Damien and devour him, their red eyes burning into my mind, and the last man had Bella wrapped inside of his arms. I was bawling, but I knew it was a dream. Even still, I memorized everyone's faces through my tears and waited out the last few seconds until the end of it.

I awoke with a jolt and my face soaking from the tears in my sleep. It was the middle of the night and I we were parked at a gas station. No one else was in the car right now. Carefully, I unjammed myself from between umpteen suit cases and exited the car. Phil was pumping the gas into what I assumed was an empty tank. The night sky told me that more than likely, his shift was over and it was now mom's turn to drive. May whatever force controlling our fate have mercy on our travels.
Smiling at Phil I went inside the gas station to find mom on the phone with most likely Bella. She must've lost her phone charger again. Where as I would like my battery to last until we get to our final destination. It's not likely, but one can hope.
Steering clear of mom, I went and did my business in the washroom and then went back outside after washing up. She was still on the phone, so I made my presence noticed by nudging her lightly. "Mom, if you give me the money, you can go and wait in the car, can I talk to Bella?" I asked lightly. she nodded and slipped me the cash.
"Bella?" I asked.
"Is that You Vex?" she asked.
"Yeah, it's me. Listen, I have a quick question for you. Okay?"
"Sure, I guess." she responded.
I lowered my voice, "Bells, have you met any shifty people? I had another dream. I can't go too into detail now, but please, keep an eye out for anyone who is incredibly fast, strong, or of unorthodox attractiveness. There's five of them, one is very muscular and has short dark hair. Another is slightly smaller in build but has copper hair and those two have unmistakable golden eyes. The other three have burning red eyes. Okay?"
"Okay, I will. But only if you promise me to take care of the baby." she says and I get the mental image of my stomach shrinking. I cringe and give a positive response before saying my goodbyes and hanging up. I pad for the gas and then got back inside the car. It was going to be a long night, and I just couldn't shake the feeling that something really bad was going to happen. Why? Well, usually when I dream something, it has a bad tenancy of coming true.