Status: laptop is down guys. So sorry, will update as soon as I can. :(



'One last time Frankie, smile for the camera' I don't smile, I glare at my mother through the lense and continue to feel stupid. 'Oh it's no use' My mother says to the blonde woman beside her, who I recognise as Donna Way, Gerards mother. 'Where is he anyway?' I hear her add, refering to Gerard who isn't, yet should be, next to me looking like a prick in a suit. 'I saw him this morning' Donna says faintly from the doorway 'He was so exited about the prom I don't know what changed' She trails off as she heads inside, my mother following close behind. I trudge up and down the grass, my suit feels crispy and I really don't like the way my mother has insisted my hair be slicked back.
'Well he doesn't seem to want to answer his phone' Donna reappears from the house, my mother in tow once again. 'Come on Frankie darling' she holds out the camera 'Just one' I bat her hand away. 'Go away Donna, I don't feel like it'
'Is this because of Gerard?'
'Yes actually' Donna looks hurt 'I never wanted to go to prom, I don't enjoy looking like a twat infront of people. Gerard promised to go with me so we could do that together' I push past her, slouching into the house and upstairs to my room. I can't get this stupid thing off quick enough.
'You look pretty slick in a suit Iero'
I whiz round, mid strip, pants round my ankles. Gerards infront of me wearing that sexy smirk of his. I snort at his remark and carry on undressing. I don't even ask how he got in my room, even though I'm dying to.
'Stop watching me' I say, more to myself than Gerard but he giggles anyway. 'Pervert' I add, before my lips curl at the corners a little.
'I chickened out Frankie' He mumbles, and I know he's shuffling his foot. He always does when attempting to apologise.
'I look like a dick Gee' I look at him, his eyes are on the seemingly intresting carpet.
'Yeah well, I'd have looked like a dick too'
'You could never look like a dick' I speak before thinking 'You couldn't look like a dick in anything, let alone a fucking suit' I don't stop for breath 'Infact, I think you'd look god damn sexy in a suit'
He looks up. Shit.
'Oh um' I shrink back into myself a little turning back to pull on my pants 'Nothing'
'No you said something'
'I didn't say anything'
There's silence for a while. My cheeks are flushing crimson and I can't hear anything because of the blood pumping in my ears.
'If it's any consellation' Gerard says, sitting down on my bed and smoothing out the creases on my duvet. 'I think you look god damn sexy in a suit too'
Now it's my jaws turn to drop to the floor.
'Don't piss around' I shove him playfully back on the bed and he grabs onto my shirt to steady himslef, but we both end up in a heap on my sheets. My legs are wrapped round his and his face is very close to mine.
'I think you've known me long enough to know that I'm not pissing around Frank' He laughs and his breath ghosts over my lips. That's when I smell it.
'You're fucking drunk' I jump up, straightening myself out pointing an accusing finger.
'No I'm not' His face is desperate and it annoys me.
'You promised me you'd never do it again' I'm really angry now, possibly even going red, and it's all because of him. 'Just like you promised you'd come to prom'
'Frank I..'
'Save it Gerard' I cut him off 'Just go home, Donna's worried about you'
'I'll show you out'
He gives me a look, and I give him one too that says something like one time to many, I'm not picking you up again. Then he leaves and I instantly regret falling out with him'
♠ ♠ ♠
Urgh filler
Fuck I've been away ages. Sorry about that :/ Kinda bad times at the minute
well it will all become clear soonish..maybe..damn who knows