

When i was younger, I was kidnapped. I was held hostage for three days before my kidnapper attempted to kill me by slitting my throat. He failed. I was found by police on the brink of death. My parents were called as i was rushed to the hospital. I died. For ten minutes i was dead.

There were things in the light, things i never will talk about. Things that revealed truths i wish i had never learned of, and things that told me secrets. Secrets i had no choice but to keep.

I shouldn't have woken up, but i did.
Ever since then i've been able to do things. Things that may look natural, but are anyhting but natural.
I can read minds for one.

But going into the light made me realize one thing though. Love doesn't exist.
I don't believe in love anymore.

So naturally when i got out of the hospital,went to a new school, made new friends, and got teased about liking people...i denied liking them.
Sometimes i would even go as far as saying i hated that their faces.

And because of that one little beliefe of mine, i lost all of my friends...all but three.
My brother,my brothers best friend, and my almost sister.
Almost sister because she isn't my sister but should be.

And that's my life.I'm now seventeen and have a job at Hot Topic as well as a side job doing what Criss Angel does, just without the Tv show and deadly illusions.

Aimee : Nicknamed Death Girl, AImee is our main character...
Charlie: Charlie is Aimee's older brother. He's older by two years.
Davey: Charlie's best friend
Annie: Aimee's almost sister.