Sometimes With the Pain of Love, We Have to Go a 1000 Oceans


Hi I am Jordan. I am 20 years old. If you are reading this you might want to read till the end. In this I am going to tell you what happens to girls like me.
It all started when I was about six years old. I was doing the dishes, and somehow their was a broken glass in the water, somehow it managed to cut my wrist open. To feel the pain of the water and the mix with the blood in the cut, felt well overwhelming, that I just I really don’t know what I felt.
After that It just started to get addicting like drugs or smoking. I started to cut on a regular bases, and I was good at hiding it. I always wore long sleeve shirts even in the summer time, but after a while I did start doing drugs. I got a tattoo at the age of 14, my lip and tongue pierced at 15 and on the same day. My parents finally found out about every thing and tried to get me help. I kept refusing.
My best friend Kayla noticed that I was not being me. So one day she took me to a concert. Her boyfriend was the lead guitarist. She got back stage passes. I actually got pissed at her, for doing that. She bought an outfit for me that showed my arms. And she said that I could not ware any sweatshirt, or hoddie only to ware to go there and back. The night of the concert I had the dress on and I actually liked the dress, even though it had many different colors then black. Looking at my arms I almost started to cry to see all the cuts and bruises. I walked into the bathroom to find Kayla there doing her make up. When she looked up, you could see horror in her eyes.

“What in the hell happened” she asked in a small voice.

“My father” I said with clenched teeth

‘OMG” she said looking down at her watch “We have to leave soon, your hair and make up is not done either” she walked over to me and grabbed my hand and dragged me to the sink. She told me to sit on the sink and not to move she did my make up in like 2 seconds. She told me to stand and turn around, I did as I was told and she pulled my long dirty blonde hair that has black strikes in it back into a ponytail. And curled it. When she was done I turned around to look into the mirror to see someone to different but oddly I liked it. I went and grabbed my hoddie. When I went down stairs I went to the closet to grab my flats. But Kayla shook her head no and she handed me a brand new pair of high tops. I put them on, and once I was done we both heard a car honk outside, she smiled, and told me to fallow her. When we got out side I saw that she was with her boyfriend. I have seen him before but he always wore a black sock hat. I quickly put on my hoddie, walked over there and was embraced into a hug. I winced at the pain of the cuts and the bruises being squished.
We got into the limo, and I saw three others. One was on the phone, he had long brown hair, but it only went down to his shoulders. The one with a black cut, that was kind of more like a boy cut but shorter, he was on his laptop. Then there he was. Someone different from the rest of them. His hair was fully black and it was in a Mohawk. Which made me giggle, and that made everyone look at me. Kayla started at me like I was a crazy person. I then remembered she has not heard me laugh, EVER. I quickly stopped smiling and looked down at my hands. I felt around in my pockets and found my MP3 player. I quickly grabbed it and put the headphones on. When I put them in and started the music it was on full blast I turned it down to about 16. After Scream, Pain of Love was next. In the middle of that song someone came over and sat next to me. I looked up to a heart melting smile for Mohawk boy. I quickly took out my headphones out, turned off my MP3, and then put it away.
“Hallo I am Bill Kaulitz” he said

“Hi, I am Jordan, nice to meet you” I told him, 'wait a damn moment here don’t I know you, yes I do..' my mind told me.
'Kayla you are so dead’ my mind screamed.

“Well Kayla I never thought I would see you again” Bill said to her. I turned my head to her and she looked down at me, I gave her my death glare which made her yelp, but somehow it got Tom to laugh. I stared at him then he shut right up. And that got Bill, me and everyone else to laugh. I turned back around to ask him why he was laughing. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and fell to the floor of the limo. Then the last thing I heard was an ear splitting scream from Kayla.
When I woke up I saw no one besides, Bill
“Where am I” I asked in a very small vioce.

“In the limo” said Bill looking at me with worried eyes.

“Oh” I stated dumbly “Were is Kayla” I then asked looking around, and not finding her.

“She is inside crying, you do know she thinks your dead” Bill said while helping me up to the seat, “Well we should get inside the guys are most likely scared half to death.”

“Yeah we should” once that was said he opened the door and got out he held out a hand to help me out. He shut the door, and grabbed my hand again. I was kind of shocked at first. About half way to the dome he let go of my hand. And I just happened to fall on my face, and scrape my arm, and leg. It was stinging, at first, then went to throbbing pain. I got up and limped to back to Bill, once about 10 feet away he turned around to see me limping back toward him, he walked back to me and grabbed my hand. He smiled that heart melting smile again, and I just happened to smile as well. Once we got inside Bill let go of my hand, just in time before Kayla gave me this huge bear hug, which just added to the pain like a thousand times. I slapped her, for doing that (well at lest I tried to slap her). Once she let go of me, she then tried to slap me, but one thing I keep forgetting to tell her to never slap me. So she tried to slap me, but I caught her arm right before she hit my face. She looked at me in shock. Then in that instant I remembered she was a black belt for something. She twisted my hand back and walked me outside.
“Okay before you yell at me listen,” I told her once she let go of my arm “ I am sorry I did not tell you that, you should never slap me but I kept forgetting”

“That’s okay but that’s not why I brought you out here” she told with a weird but loving smile.

“Really” i asked dumbfounded.

“Really, the reason I brought you out here was because I was wondering why you gave me your ‘Death Glare’ “ she asked me

“Oh that, well..”

“Well what, now spit it out” She told me

“Well, One I am a big fan of Tokio Hotel, and Two I have a huge crush on Bill Kaulitz, always have and always will.” I practically whispered.

“Bill come here” Me and Kayla heard someone yell, we both turned our heads to see Tom only a few feet away leaning against the door, smiling.

“Tom don’t you dare” Kayla said

“Why are you going to tackle me or something” he teased

“She might not but I will” I said

“Bill Come Here Now” Tom yelled to his brother.

“One moment” we heard Bill yell back, I ran over to Tom, while he was not looking.

“Tom” I whispered into his ear when he turned around, he screamed like a little girl which got everyone to laugh, and I mean everyone. Bill slowly walked out of the building, for some reason.

“Who got Tom to scream like that” Bill asked, while looking at me.
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Okay i looked this over like 4 millon times. so please comment good or bad