Status: Rewriting!!!!

Queen of Hearts

Alice a sixteen year old orphan who like most kids that night on New Years Eve lost her parents to a creature known as Darkness. It controls all demons that appeared in 2012. Alice works for a "company" called Wonderland. A place where the freaks can go to help the world in secret. Alice carries a spirit inside her known as Tetrius decimus or Thirteen as she calls him. Along with her wimpy type partner named Jake. In secret they rid the world of demons. But... is something after Alice.

Jake is someone who has been on Alice's side since she lost her first partner. He always takes her quick temper. Even though he doesn't understand what she has gone through. The only reason that Alice hasn't quit being his partner is because he reminds her of her friend in the real world. Alice goes to a military school (Note: I have no idea how a real military school works.) that was designed for orphans. Britain controls most of the U.S. No American can do a thing because there is still a president but he has no power at all.

As the demon's power grows there is a rising need for Healers. People that can remove the poison in a demons claws from humans. A demon's poison corrupts a humans body to the point of death. As the story progresses several things happen that confuse Alice even though she never shows it.
  1. Prologue: Darkness Rising
  2. Eleven Years Later
  3. New Teacher
  4. Demon in the Gym
  5. Wonderland Hospital
  6. Extra: My weekend Boss
    This is like an extra chapter. Alice has a weekend Job. It's at one of those restaurants that have themes each week. I forget what they're called.
  7. My unique Sunday
  8. Excuses and the Dodo.
  9. Home sweet Home