Status: Writing whenever I get the chance!


was tired of it all, I didn’t want to deal with anything anymore. If I wasn’t getting all A’s, I was a disappointment. If I said something sarcastic, I was a disappointment. If I didn’t break a school record in swimming, I was, a disappointment.

So, I decided I was going to run away. I was being a brat, just because things weren’t going the way I wanted them too. How my dad lost his job. I always seemed to be left out, or forgotten. Life wasn’t fair. I should have just shut up, and sucked it up.

Maybe my life would have been boring, and original. Maybe I would have met him some day. But I just had to run away: I blame it on my blond stupidity, and my parents for raising me to be high matience.

So, now, I have no idea how to get home, to the future present. I don't even know if I want to. All I know is: I'll never run away, or take complain again.

[Authors Note: I originally posted this, but it was deleted so maybe second times the best.]