Status: Finished- For now XD

Immortal Souls

The Curse : Dance til you Drop- 2

I took a bite of my chocolate chip muffin and swallowed down all the chocolatey goodness. Talking with Vicki was very easy and amusing. She was very honest, it was refreshing to meet someone like that. I found out that she was a P.I. and apparently very good at her job.

"Well I got to get going. Wouldn't want to be late for my own business." she said with a heavy sigh. "See you around."

"Bye." I waved to her. Vicki walked out the glass door of the coffee house and down the street. I stuffed the rest of my muffin in my mouth and threw the paper in the garbage. There was a guy sitting by the window, sipping his tea, who occasionally looked up at me and smiled. He was reading a comic book of some sorts. The perfect example of a cute nerd: glasses, slightly messy hair, and jeans with athletic sneakers. He had a good laugh at me shoveling food down my throat.

"Was it that good?" he asked me with a chuckle. I looked him over and grinned.

"Very, you should get one." I told him. The management should higher me for sales pitches, I am very persuasive.

"I might just do that." he smiled at me.

"Hey what are you reading?" I asked as I went over to sit with him. The guy looked surprised that I would sit down with him, but in a good way.

"Well its Blood Comic, they are written by Henry Fitzroy. It a horror comic." he explained. He pushed the book slightly over to me so I could see one of the pages. I was amazed by the detail of the era was, 18th century England looked just as I remembered.

"Wow, this is... I don't even know." I said in awe.

"There's a lot of blood, but over all its a good read." he agreed, "There's a comic store just down the street, if you want I could show you were to get one." I thought over his offer, it wasn't like I had anything else to do.

"Thank's I just got here and have no idea were anything is." I smiled at him. "I'm Olivia."

"Miles." he replied. "Did you want to go now or later?"

"They open now?" I asked standing up from the bar stool. Miles nodded and put his coat on.

"Yup, lets head down there now." he said excitedly. I followed Miles out the door and into a cab. At least I made two friends in this city. I didn't count that vampire, he wasn't even human.

"So what do you do here?" I asked him. Miles fixed his glasses and smiled at the fact that I was interested in what he did.

"I work at the coroners office." he stated.

"So you work on dead bodies all the time. That must give you nightmares." I said lightly.

"It isn't that bad, you get used to it." he sighed. The cab driver made a sharp left turn that threw me closer to Miles.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"Thats okay." he chuckled, "So what brings you here?" I shifted my body weight to the opposite side of the back seat and looked out the window.

"Just wandering around. I thought this might be a good place to site see and enjoy the holidays." I said to him.

"Well that it is." MIles said. "We're here." The car stopped and I opened the door, I always get nauseous when sitting in the back of a car.

I looked at the comic store that had just opened. It was 11 in the morning, I am not an early bird. It must be the vampire blood in me. Miles held the door open for me.

"Thanks." I said. I walked into the little book shop and noticed the millions of comics on every wall and shelf. Miles lead me over to the horror section of the room and pulled a few books from the shelves.

"These are some of his best works." Miles told me I took the thin paperbacks from his hands and read the titles. They all had to do with Blood. This artist must like the darker side of life to write about deathly passions.

"Can I help you with anything?" asked a gothic dressed girl. How people got their hair to stand up in different directions amazed me.

"Yeah, this Henry Fitzroy seems pretty interesting." I said, "Do you know anything about him?"

The girl looked at me as if I had two heads. Her eyes lit up as she started to rave about this artist.

"Mr. Fitzroy is the most talented artist that ever sells here. He creates a whole other realm in which his stories are set in. When I read his comics I feel like I have actually been in the story he tells." she drawled on. "What is even better is meeting him inperson."

"He has siginings?" I asked curious to meet this guy.

"Every Wednesday of the month. Tonight he'll be here around 8." she told me. "It will be crowded, so come here about a half an hour before hand."

"Thanks I might stop by." I told her. There was a ringing coming from Mile's coat jacket.

"Sorry, its my boss." he apologized. I flipped through the book as he talked on his phone.

"You new here?" the girl asked me.

"Yeah, its my first day in Toronto and Miles was nice enough to show me here." I smiled.

"Well if your into the whole gothic scene , the Curse just opened down the street. One of my cousins works down there and says that they don't card anyone." she tipped.

"Thats good to know, but I don't have to worry about that." I grinned. The girl looked at me astonished as Miles came back in the door.

"Hey, I got to go into work. Triple homicide and she needs some help." Miles informed.

"Okay, well thanks for showing me around." I said to him.

"Olivia, well ummm, I was wondering if I could get your number." Miles asked timidly. I let out a small laugh and took a pen out of my purse.

"Here you go, call me." I said sweetly to him.


Later at the Curse

I walked into the darkly lit green club to find many gothically dressed people dancing awfully close to each other. Almost immediately someone wrapped their hands around my waist. I couldn't help moving my hips along with the stranger's. His scent was very alluring and sensual, I wanted to bottle up this moment and make it last forever.

"You are a very mysterious woman." he whispered into my ear. The sound of his voice triggered the memory of the vampire in the elevator. I turned around to face him as my smile faded.

"Well, vampire. I told you my name didn't I?" I asked coyly. This vampire didn't look a day over 18, but I could feel that he was an old soul. He let out a slight chuckle.

"That is true. I'm Henry, Henry Fitzroy." he replied.

"Henry is it? I don't like it very much how you think you can just grab me." I shot at him sarcastically.

"Fine then Olivia, I won't touch you." he said simply. Henry back up and put his hands up defensively. I cocked my head to the side and grinned.

"I never said I didn't want to touch me." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"If you know what I am, then what must you be?" he asked straightly. I bit my lips and showed off my fangs again. Those Crest Whitening Strips did wonders for blood stains.

"Oh and you want to spoil the mystery. I thought you were someone different." I teased. Henry gave me a stern look that could burn any other girls' ego, but not mine. "Fine, you got me. I am half vampire half human, the one and only Damphyre."