Status: Canceled

House of Wolves

Ambushed -1

Ivy looked around the deserted entrance into the darkened woods. A devilish smirk played across her lips. Without any hesitation, she raced into the woods. Weaving in and out through the thick foliage changing as she took in the sweet night. Her personal escape was freeing her self from her human body. A pleasure only few souls had.

The silky wrap she'd laced around her curvy hips and chest slid off with ease as she raced threw the woods. Carefully she tied the black cloth around her neck like a scarf. Ivy's heart was beating faster and faster as the animal within her clawed its way out. As the girl lunged over a large rock, she felt the familiar pop and crunch of her bones as they elongated. Fur erupted from her skin, its chocolate color and warmth protected her from the cool night air. She let out a lively howl to sing out to the full bellied moon. The silver light pierced through the blackness of the night.

As girl transformed into wolf the ears elongated and tapered off with points. Her legs were no longer suited for walking on two, but on all fours. At the ends of each furry leg a paw ended it. Those same paws that scraped the rocks and landed in the mud. Once Ivy had fully changed into her animal state, she was ecstatic. All the smells in the woods increased the appeal of running around at night. Her tail wagged with all of the scents of the forest.

So much for my manicure, she thought with a sigh.

It had been ages since Ivy had let herself be this free. Sadly the place she 'd left had nothing left for her. All the people she loved...gone. Her own pack, her life, her love. It killed her that she could never see his beautiful face again. She would give anything to touch his lips or smell his scent. As Ivy thought about her past life, her paws hit the ground harder and faster.

The silver light of the moon illuminated the dark path that Ivy was to follow. She didn't know where she was going, but something in her gut told her to go further north, Vermont more exact. There were rumors of a pack recently settling there. Hopefully they wouldn't mind another addition. It would be an asset to have a former alpha in a pack. But she was getting ahead of herself. If there was even a wolf pack there it was totally different from her. Like a different species and set of laws. No way of telling if they' d view her as a threat or a goddess.

Ivy stopped at the edge of a river that laced through the dirt path. She knelt her head down to take a gentle sip of the icy creek water. It felt so good down her parched throat. Lapping up water from a fresh creek was better than swigging down a bottle of Aquafina. Then there was a soft thud of paws running around her. Ivy froze in her place, looking at the reflection of the water. The smells of other wolves made it impossible for Ivy to stay calm. She almost forgot what it felt to be around her kind. Soon she was surrounded by the pack. Her tongue finished its drink as she looked up for the first time. She licked her lips delicately as she eyed the creatures in front of her.

The wolves in front of her were nothing what she was expecting. Some were in their fur while others looked like the werewolves from comic books. Half changed. It must look horrifying to see that walking down the street. One of the petite wolves that was fully changed let out a short snort. She was laughing at Ivy. No wonder, Ivy's mouth was open in astonishment. Quickly Ivy snapped it shut and looked for who to address.

The largest wolf man stood on the rock that over looked her little creek. He looked at her with curiosity, but Ivy knew that if she made one wrong move or insulted him she was dead meat. But then again it might not be the leader. She wouldn't want to rule out any females being the alpha. That usually happened with her and outsiders. Out of the corners of her eyes she looked for any other possible contenders. Every man and wolf's eyes were on the large wolf Ivy had first considered. That must be the leader.

I mean you no harm, she thought to the wolf gently. But there was no response from him. Thats odd. They must not have a telepathic connection. How do they hunt together?

The leader looked at her with a confused look the to the white wolf next to him. She was extraordinarily beautiful, for a wolf. Ivy suddenly felt that her chocolate fur was just brown and the white patch no longer unique. She felt like a mutt. Not to mention her size form the others. She was like a small tiger compared to them. They were closer to an actual wolf than she was.

"Why don't you change,friend. That way we can talk." he said in a harsh yet inviting tone. Ivy nodded and stood up on her hind legs. Gently her body shifted back into its human body. There was no monsterly medium than this pack seemed to have so she was fully undressed. The black silk she wore around her neck didn't cover much. Her long black hair was messy from traveling for so long. It looked like she'd just gotten out of bed. The dirt painted across her face gave her a feral look. Many of the males gave her an appreciative look.

Good thing I can' t read their minds now, she laughed to herself. Carefully she wrapped the black silk around her back and twisted it in a knot behind her neck. Once she was well adjusted, she looked up to see that everyone was human now. Au natural. The white wolf that was so stunning before looked even more gorgeous than Ivy could imagine. Her tawny blonde hair was almost as long as hers, her piercing golden eyes seemed to go right through Ivy's body.

"This was a nice surprise." the leader said with a lighter tone. "We weren't expecting a woman. I'm Michael, this pack's leader." Ivy looked at the man in shock. He was younger than she thought his human body would look like. But then again appearances can be deceiving. This Micheal was very attractive to Ivy. It took her by surprise to find another's mate appealing.

"Hello, I'm Ivy." she said in a sweeter voice than she could ever remember using. It had been a while since she had used her human voice. It sounded foreign to her, it wasn't like her low howl she thought her vocals should sound like.

"Welcome Ivy." Michael said as he nodded his head slightly. The rest of the pack knelt their heads imitating their leader. Even the blonde did so. Ivy blinked and moved the hair from her neck as her pack usually did. It was a sign of respect... as if to say kill me if you want. Michael smiled as Ivy showed that she was no threat.

"If I may ask, were you intentionally running through our territory or were you just passing through?" he asked casually. Ivy looked him in the eye and raised her eyebrow.

"I was as you put it, intentionally trying to find you." she said with a slick confidence that she'd gained as a leader. "I heard rumors of a new pack settling here."

"And you want to check if we will cause exposure for your pack." Michael said thinking he was right. Ivy loved how he said HER pack, but it put a sullen frown on her red lip.

"Not exactly," she interrupted, "My pack is no longer in the picture." Everyone looked astonished by her response.

Did they think I was out casted? she thought horrified. Michael on the other hand smiled and hopped down from ledge. He walked over to Ivy slowly, as if he was trying to imagine what she looked like a few minutes ago, totally naked. He grinned ear to ear as if he wanted to dirty and nasty things with her right there, right now. Ivy suddenly felt self conscience and horrible for stealing attention from the blonde girl. Daringly, Ivy quickly glanced at the blonde. She was surprised to see that the other girl wasn't phased at the least. Not even a blink came from the girl.

"I think we can make some room for you." he whispered in her ear. Michael had gotten so close to Ivy, she could feel his hot breath on her ear. She was so overwhelmed she didn't know what to do.

Should I let him treat me this way right in front of his mate? It feels so wrong... but deliciously exciting, she worried.

"As long as I'm not imposing." Ivy replied with a sultry tone. She cocked her head to the side and locked her gaze with Michael's intense eyes. Ivy felt her temperature spike, which was dangerously hot for anyone near her. Michael took a deep inhale, he was taking in her scent so he would remember it. Or so she thought.

"Not at all." he said with a smile, "Why are you so hot?"

"Excuse me?" the blonde girl asked for the first time. Michael looked at her with a glare, the girl looked at him. She wasn't backing down.

"Come here Ava, feel her skin." he instructed. Ava looked at him astonished, but she followed his directions. She hopped down gracefully from the ledge to Ivy's level. The newcomer looked at her and smiled as she held her hand out for Ava to see for herself. Her pale skin barely touched Ivy's golden hand before she recoiled as if it were toxic.

"She's extraordinarily warm." she commented. Ivy put her hand back at her side, it played with edge of the black silk that covered her.

"Ivy you are an honored guest with us." Gabriel said without looking at Ava. The pack looked at her with curiosity and excitement. She was their new mystery to unravel.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Ivy said politely. Once the leader turned his back and stepped away from her, the others swarmed on her. Their voices barraged her with questions and welcoming gestures.

"My dear you must stay in the inn with us." a woman offered kindly. There was no question that this middle aged woman was Ava's mother. She had the same tawny hair and modelesque face.

"Yeah Ivy, I'm sure Michael would love that." Ava spoke to Ivy. Ivy looked at her, unsure if she was kidding or being rude.

"Well I do smell horrid. A shower would be nice." Ivy replied with out missing a beat. Ava looked her up and down. There was no doubt that Ivy wasn't the cleanest she could be.

"You can use my tub, its closest to the water heater so you get the most hot water." Ava said casually.

"Thanks." Ivy said slightly shocked. What just happened? I thought Ava was Michael's mate? The queen wolf and all...

"No problem." she smiled.