Even If You Run, It Won't Solve Your Problems.

What Now?

That night….

Was all I could think about as I sat up in my bed. Gerard’s moving about in the kitchen is what woke me. That damn man… sometimes… I swear. Slowly I stood u and slipped on a pair of boxers. I walked to the bedroom door and pulled it open slowly, the brightness of the sun making gasp. It was just too bright for anyone to be functioning normally. Well, at least that was what I thought. I walked into the hallway still covering my eyes, until I reached the kitchen. I was frozen in place, the first thing I saw was a shirtless Gerard, sitting on the counter drinking coffee. He smiled at me.

“ Good morning Frank.”

I frowned. “ Don’t you ‘Good morning Frank.’ me, you were so loud that you woke me up!”

Gerard chuckled. “ I could say the same about you last night.” He took another sip of his coffee, smirking at me.

My mouth fell open, and my cheeks grew hot. “ Shut it Gerard… “ I said softly, before walking away. I could here his footsteps behind me, following me to the living room. Slowly I sat down on the sofa, running a hand through my dark tresses. I could feel his eyes on me, burning a hole through my head, trying to get to what he really wanted. I closed my eyes and sighed, feeling the chair dip when he sat down, his eyes still on me.

“ Yes Gerard…” I mumbled softly, peeking at him.

“ Why?”

“ Why what?” I asked looking at him.

“ Why were you…y’know last night?”

I looked at him for a moment, dumbfounded by his question. “ What?” I asked extremely pissed with him. “ What do you mean ‘why?’ I can’t just answer why I was thinking of you last night…” I muttered standing up.

Gerard sighed and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back down to the couch. “ Sit, and answer me!” He spoke sternly, still holding my wrist.

Trying to pull my wrist away I looked at him. “ Why should I, you’ll just get the wrong impression from me either way. Like it actually matters to you.”

“ It does matter to me. “ Gerard mumbled looking at me. I frowned and rolled my eyes.

“ I don’t believe you.”

Gerard frowned and looked at me. “ What is not to believe?”

I stood up and walked back to my room, leaving Gerard on the sofa. I knew he was watching me walk away.
♠ ♠ ♠
- I'm sorry about my absence. I'll try to do better.
- I'm sorry about this crappy chapter. I WILL do better.
