Miracles Happen Everywhere

The Letter

A few months later, and Izzie’s secret was no longer her secret. She was showing now, but not much, and so there was point in hiding it. There were many rumors going around the camp, but still the only ones who knew the truth were the boys of D-Tent. In her most recent letter to Betsy she revealed that she was pregnant…and that her family needed to know. It was about a week before she got a return letter and her world spun upside-down.

The group gathered around as she read the letter out loud.

**Dear Izzie,

I know you weren’t expecting this letter. So far I’ve been dong all of my talking through other people because I’ve been afraid of how you’d react. However we just got some news and I thought you should hear this from me. Jamie came home from camp the other day and found out what we had to do. She completely freaked out and when she finally calmed down she spilled the beans on everything. She told us that Todd planted it and by processing her backpack we got enough proof to show that it was true. I sat around wondering why he would do that to young Jamie…that was until Betsy got your letter. Why didn’t you tell us you were raped? We could have helped and Todd would have gone away for a very long time, which is now being made longer by his current sentencing. Basically what I wanted to say was that you’re innocent. I am personally coming to get you from camp at the end of this week. I’m so sorry about everything. I’m proud to call you my goddaughter.

-Uncle Kelso

P.S.-Betsy has been rambling on about some…squid or something but I told her ocean animals around you. See? I still got your back.**

Izzie laughed as she read her uncle’s letter a few more times. They knew she was innocent. This meant she could stop lying to people and finally live a normal life she and Squid…then her mind trailed off and she thought about everything she would be leaving behind. She looked at Squid. “I’m leaving. What’s going to happen to us?”

He sighed. “I will always love you. We can write all the time and I will come see you the minute I get out of here. You just worry about that kid of yours.”

She smiled. “Thanks Squid. I love you too.”

Finally the end of the week came and two black, federal cars pulled up to the warden’s cabin. Izzie watched as the people filed out of the building followed by the warden and Mr. Sir. She was about to walk over there until Mom stopped her. “I believe this belongs to you.”

She turned around and saw her Uncle Kelso standing there. “Uncle Kelso!”

They hugged and he laughed. “Man you’ve only been gone a few months but it seems like forever.”

“I’m sorry for everything. I just didn’t have proof that Todd did anything and I couldn’t let Jamie or Betsy go down for it…”

He stopped her rambling. “It’s okay. We get it. Todd is in jail for a long time and that’s because of you.”

Suddenly she saw the boys heading back in from digging. “Uncle Kelso I want you to meet a few people. You know those boys Mom told you guys about? Well here they come.”

After she had introduced everyone and said her goodbyes to her friends, she promised to keep in touch and they were off. She was finally free of digging Hell.