Status: Complete

Here I Am, Once Again, I'm Torn Into Pieces

No Sparks

"Yes there is. I don't like Jackson at all; I didn't even know it was Jackson. I thought it was Rob, but it wasn't. Trust me the kiss did nothing for me, it had no sparks. I'm sorry...," I explained standing up so she could actually look at me. I didn't care if she didn't believe me or didn't want to listen, she was all wrong. I would not lie about this, I'm not conceited. "You know me; I'm not lying about this. I even told you I liked Rob, he makes me giddy inside again. Jackson and I are just friends, I told him great things about you. I bet as soon as he's okay he will call you, I just know he will," I said looking over at her for a long period of time, to see if she would actually look at me. She did, she stared at me for a long while. I almost thought she was going to run away or not say anything.

"There's nothing going on between you two?" Frankie asked and she actually studied my face, so I shook my head. There was nothing to hide, it was just the truth. I've never expected to have anything with Jackson, except be great friends. Jackson was my type for sure, but we had no romantic chemistry or connection.

"No, I haven't talked to him since last night...," I sighed while fiddling with my hands; I was getting tired of saying no. No I don't like Jackson, no I didn't kiss Jackson on purpose, and no I didn't do anything like that with Jackson. We're friends, if not then we're just acquaintances. I didn't know how to explain our friendship, it's barely hanging there.

"Good...," Frankie whispered as she turned around and headed for her hallway. I guess I was off the hook, I think she finally believed me. I was just glad that she listened and actually tried to control herself around me. If she doesn't believe me she can always ask Jackson, but that won't help them any. I smiled for once after I saw Frankie look back at me and nod while closing her door. I was relieved that I had my best friend back. We're just in the clear now, everything should go back to normal eventually.

I went into my bedroom and I saw Tony laying on my bed reading a book I had on my nightstand. It was Twilight and I just laughed at how ironic that was. I looked at Tony and he looked at me too, I nodded at him. He stood up and threw the book back on the bed. We both started hugging and dancing around. We both were happy that we had our best friend back and all of us were back together again.

"I'm so glad that she actually listened and forgave me. I wouldn't have known what to do if she didn't!" I sighed getting tired of jumping around, everything was better between Frankie and I. I have my best friend back but I still don't have Rob, and I don't think I ever will. Nothing ever goes right for me; it either fails, never works, or it comes with hurtles you have to jump through.

"You just said the right thing, which was the truth. Lying never gets you anywhere and we all know that, Frankie just didn't know the whole truth," Tony explained sitting back down on my bed, I followed him. Tony was always right; he was always the smarter one in high school and is now. I'm glad I had Tony here to help me, because I didn't want to lose Frankie as a friend. I just need to work out my love life now. I will need Tony and Frankie more than ever now.