Status: Finished!

She's My Little Piece of Heaven

She's My Little Piece of Heaven

Cassie’s POV:

I rub my hands on my jeans to dry the sweat off. I couldn’t be more nervous like I am now. Everyone told me I was going to do great, but my gut kept insisting that I wasn’t all that great. My lovely brother though it would be a great for me to sing on their newest album, at first I thought it would be awesome but now I believe it wasn’t such a great idea after all.
To make things worse for me, Johnny is going to be watching. I really haven’t told anyone but I’ve had this major crush on him. He’s just so cute. I love his smile. I enjoy watching him defend himself to the other guys when they’re torturing him. He knows that the guys love him, so he just goes along with them. He’s a complete sweetheart. He treats his girlfriend Lacy with so much respect. I always wonder if I was his girlfriend, if he would treat like he treats Lacey and he wonder love me the way he loves her. Sadly, I’m Synyster fuckin’ Gates’ baby sister. To make things even worst, the rest of the guys treat me like their baby sister too. The only one that treats me different is Johnny. He walks into a room and my day seems to brighten up. His smile creates butterflies in my tummy. His laughs make me blush. He just make me happy, period.

I took a deep breath. ‘I could do it, you know you can!’ I told myself
“Cookie, are you ready?” Jimmy walks in with a smirk and Johnny behind.
I nod.
Jimmy laughs. “Cookie, you’re going to do just fine.”
“I hope, you guys think that I have this supposedly amazing voice.”
“You do. You’re even better than your brother guitar skills.”
I giggle. “Don’t let Brian hear you.”
He laughs. “Come on, let’s get you in there with Matt.”
I nod. I look over at Johnny who’s just sitting there looking sad and spaced out. “What’s wrong with Johnny?” I ask Jimmy.
He chuckles. “Poor short shit had his heart broken by Lacey. She broke up with him last night.”
I pout and my heart shatters for him. “Poor Johnny.”
“Yeah, we’re just letting him be. We’ll probably take him out tonight to get his mind off of her.”
I nod.

After awhile of Matt signing a few parts of the song, I got to do a few run throughs with Matt and Brian coaching me how to use my voice to my potential.
“You ready honey?” my future sister-in-law Michelle asks with a smile
I smile back. “I think so.”
“You’ll do fine. I’ve heard you and you sing beautiful.” She giggles. “I think you got the better talent in the Haner family.”
I laugh.
“HEY!” Brian turns around with a pout. “I’m a GOD on the guitar.” He folds his arms over his chest.
“Baby, I would prefer to have a beautiful voice over guitar skills. I hope this baby girl has Cassie’s voice.” She rubs her five month baby bump.
He huffs. “whatever.” He mumbles. “She’d best the awesomeness girl guitarist.” He talks to himself.
“Brian talking to himself again?”
Michelle and I turn to look at Johnny and nod.
“Yep, he’s being a big baby.” Michelle smirks
“He’s got to realize that Cassie has the better talent.” Johnny says seriously with a smirk
“Little boys, settle down!” Matt yells and smirks.
“Seriously Gates, when are you going to admit that Cassie…”
“Fuck you all…can we continue with the recording?” Brian sits down in front of the sound board to monitor.
We all laugh and take our places.

Johnny’s POV:

I’m beginning to lose control over this. I’ve hidden my feelings for so long that, I’m really losing control and I can’t. Lacey finally deciding that ending things with me would be best for everyone. I really didn’t understand what her deal was until last night. She had discovered my true feelings to the one girl that’s had my heart. It broke my heart to see her crying over this, but it reality I wasn’t in love with her and I never was. At one point I probably did have feeling for her but it wasn’t love. I love her as good friend that I could trust with my darkest and deepest secrets but not the type of love that see yourself spending the rest your life with that one person.
There’s was only one that could my heart flutter, my stomach make flips and lose total control of speaking. She’s beautiful, sweet and innocent. And…she’s also the baby sister of my best friend. She’s his life. Even though in three months he’ll become a father to his baby girl for the first time, she’ll always come first. Everyone knows, his fiancée doesn’t mind, she thinks it’s cute and the guys love this girl to death. Even with the new baby coming, she has Matt, Jimmy and Zacky to go too. Sadly, I’m stuck in the middle of choosing to be with the girl I fallen in love with over the years and having the four greatest friends in the end in highly successful band. Because the moment they find out that I’m in love with Cassie, they’ll all want to murder me and well obviously won’t be in the band in anymore. I’m willing to risk it all to be with Cassie…

I sigh as I sit down to watch and hear Cassie and Matt sing…
“Alright, let’s get this part down and we’ll head out.” Brian says into the speaker. “Cookie, just like we practice. Okay?” he says to her
She nods, smiles and gives him two thumbs up.
We all chuckles…
“Hey cookie…” Zacky says
“Yeah?” she looks at him
He smirks. “Nothing.”
She looks at him and flips him off.
He always does that to her. But we all know that when he jokes around with her like that, she loosen up and forgets about being nervous.
“Love you too, babe.” He blows her a kiss
She sticks her tongue at him
“Zacky?” Matt speaks after laughing
“What?” Zack looks up at him
“Shut the fuck up and let us do our thing.”
“About fuckin’ time.” Cassie sighs
“That girls never had a mouth on her until she started hanging out with us. She’s as bad as us.” Val shakes her head and Gena and Michelle giggle.
“Shhhhhhh….” Jimmy and Brian tell the girls.
They all flip them off…
“Okay here we go…” Brian said and the music started.

‘I will suffer for so long’ Matt started
‘(What will you do, not long enough)’ Cassie sings
‘To make it up to you’
‘(I pray to God that you do)’
‘I’ll do whatever you want me to do’
‘(Well then I’ll you unchained)’
‘And if it’s not enough’ Matt smiles at her.
‘(If it’s not enough, if it’s not enough)’
‘If it’s not enough’
‘(Not enough)’
Try again
‘(Try again)’
‘And again’
‘(And again)’
‘Over and over again

The song continues to the last part that Cassie had to sing with Matt.
“Wow…and I know she’s never trying. Yet she still has a amazing voice. She’s too good for her own good.” Gena says
We all nod.

‘We’re coming back, coming back’
‘We’ll live forever, live forever’
‘Let’s have a wedding, have a wedding’
‘Let’s start the killing, start the killing’

‘Do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life?’
‘(Yes, I do)’ She smiles and holds in her cute giggles
‘Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life?’
‘(I do)’
‘I know pronounce you…’

Brian lets the music continue for a few seconds. Once it stops…
“That was fuckin’ incredible” Papa Gates smiles at his baby
“Fuck, she is more talented than me.” Brian shakes his head and smiles
Matt and Cassie come out of the sound room…
“So?” Matt asks and looks at Larry our manager
“That’s was unbelievably amazing.” Larry smiles. “You my darling have incredible talent.” He looks at Cassie.
Cassie blushes and smiles. “Thank you, Larry.”
I couldn’t help but smile at her. She’s too damn cute.
“Stop drooling.”
I look up at Zacky.
“Yeah, you. I see the way you look at her.”
I sigh and look down at my feet.
“Do something, man. If you keep waiting, you’re going to lose her to somebody else.” He smiles and walks away.
I sigh. He makes it sound so easy.

Later that night…

After a few drinks, I was actually in a better mood. Watching the girls dancing with Cassie, was enough to lighten anybody mood. The girls were a little more than tipsy, but Cassie was slightly tipsy she hasn’t had too much to drink yet. She was just happy.
I took a slip of my beer and sigh.
“You know, if you actually had some balls you would be more then friends with her.”
“You wouldn’t kick my ass?”
He chuckles. “No, I’ll wait for you to break her heart before I kick your ass…hell I wouldn’t kick your ass I would murder you with my precious gun.”
I chuckle.
“Just ask her out. As much as I don’t understand why, but she likes you too.”
I feel butterflies in my stomach.
“Go for it. But I’m warning you, if you ever…”
“I swear I won’t hurt her, Gates. She means too much to me.”
He sighs and nods. “Make her happy.” He walks over to Michelle and the others guys
“Okay.” I take a long slip from my beer.
Walk up to where the rest of the girls and Cassie are dancing. I take a deep breath and tap Cassie on the shoulder.
She turns around and smiles. “Hi Johnny.”
“Hi…Cassie can I talk to you for a second?”
She looks at the girls. “Sure, let’s go outside.”
I take her soft hand into mine and pull her gently outside the club. I try to avoid the electricity going through our hands. I love how our hands fit together.
We find a quite area where we could talk…
“So, what’s going on?” she ask
I sigh. I start to feel light headed.
She looks at me concern. “Johnny what’s wrong?”
“I need to tell you something.”
“Okay, what is it?” she rubs my hand
Here goes nothing… “Cassie, I’m in love with you.” I look down at my feet and fear for the worst.
She cups my chin in her hands to make me into her chocolate brown eyes. She lends in and places her soft lips on mine. I wrap my arms around her tiny waist, she runs her hands through my hair and once we finally pull away, both of us with huge smile on our faces.
“Johnny, I love you too.” She giggles.
At this moment I couldn’t be happier, she’s finally my little piece heaven.
♠ ♠ ♠
This if my first fic being posted here. I hope everyone that reads it, likes it.