Two Minds are Better Than One

Rockers and BBC Radio

"Hey, George!". Arsehole. I hate it when people say that! I walked through the crowded halls of my stupid school, eager to get to my next lesson.
"It that George?", I heard a girl in a younger year than me whisper to her friend, for fuck's sake!

I walked at a faster pace into my music room, only a few of us were here today, since it was the last day before the summer holidays.
Five of us were dotted around the room, waiting patiently to begin the lesson.

"Ayup, Gee.", called my friend, Lacey, "You got the tabs for Love Me Do?". "Aye, hang on,", I said, reaching into my bag, "here you are,". She took them off me, began to play the chords on the piano and sing the tune.

Love, Love me do. You know I love you, i'll always be true. So please, love me do...

After an hour we decided to sit back and play any song we wanted, me usually playing any song by The Beatles, as my guitar teacher taught me every song from every song so far and Lacey playing well known tunes but adding her own hilarious twist in the lyrics.

The bell rang at half two, signaling to us it was time for the holidays to begin!

I walked home, humming 'Blowin' In The Wind' by Bob Dylan' to myself, skipping slightly as I was glad it was finally the end of the school year.

I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a group of rockers stood at the corner, smoking and jeering loudly to themselves, being the quiet person I was, I was glad I had my school uniform on today, any other day and I might have got a mouthful.

Just as I was walking past, one of them was laughing and walking backwards, blocking my path. "S'cuse me.", I said quietly, head down. "Aw, sorry, luv.", he said, side stepping out of my way, I smiled and walked past him. "Ay, luv, yer got a light?" he asked. I turned and smiled, pulling a lighter from my pocket, "ere.", I said lighting his cig. "ta.", I nodded, pocketing the lighter and making the rest of my way back home.

"'Ello?", I called into the quiet house. "Mam! Are you in?", I yelled again. No reply.

I dropped my bag near the door and walked upstairs to my room, grabbed a towel and went for a bath. I also tuned the radio to BBC Radio, hoping The Beatles would be on soon. I turned the volume up and settled into the hot water.

"Grace!", my mum's voice came from downstairs. I jumped up out of the bath, wrapped a towel around me and walked out onto the landing. "Yeah!", I called back. "Get your sen down here iv'e got some news.", she said walking into the lounge. I quickly got changed into some black drainpipe trousers, a white blouse and pulled a blazer on.

"Yeah?", I asked as I walked into the lounge. She smiled up at me, I could tell she was up to something. "'Ere, guess what i've done for you.", she asked, her eyes twinkling misceivously. "What?", I asked, busying myself with todays post, not really caring. "Your goin' to a summer camp.", I dropped the letter I was about to open and faced her, not believing what i'd just heard. "What?", I asked, "Oh, give over, you heard. Why are you surprised?", "quite shocked actually". I said, crossing my arms tightly over my chest.

"I ain't goin'", I said quickly before she could do anything. "Yeah you are, I already paid for it, ain't no gettin' out of it now.", "shite!", "watch your lauguage!", "well.", I walked out of the room and began climbing the stairs. "Best start packin' now!", my mum yelled from downstairs, "hows 'at?", i asked, stopping. "cause your off tomorrow!".
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Please leave comments if you like this or want to tell me it sucks.

If the dialect confuses you, let me know and i'll tell you what it means.
