
Romeo and Juliet Vamp Style - What should Have Happened - 7


Jasper’s POV

Looking out to the expanse of forest I said quietly “Oh, Lily how could I ever tell you how I feel. Oh god Lily you’re killing me, how I love you so” This shocked me, I can’t believe I said that out loud O.O Jasper turned to Lily hoping she didn’t hear that at all.

Lily’s POV

- Oh, but she did hear it. Loud and Clear-

I froze, did Jasper just say that? I wonder if I should confess how I feel. So Lily plucked up the courage and said “I love you too, Jasper”…

Jasper’s POV

When I thought that Lily was asleep and she didn’t hear my declaration, that’s when I heard something, a soft “I love you too, Jasper.” Came from where Lily was lying down in my bed. I froze my mind in turmoil. I came to my senses, got up and walked to Lily. I knelt down beside my bed and she opened her eyes and smiled. I smiled back and asked whether she meant what she said, Lily nodded. I beamed at her and without thinking bent towards her and softly kissed her on the lips. I quickly realized what I was doing and quickly broke the kiss apologizing over and over. She didn’t say anything but reached up grabbed my shirt and pulled me over to her and kissed me. I crawled on top of her careful not to squash her. Lily wrapped her arms and legs around me, kissing me once again. The kissing was getting more and more passionate as the minutes flew by. And that’s how we were caught. The door flies open and in comes ALL of the family, can you say embarrassing.

Lily’s POV

There I said it and god was it worth it, because right now I’m kissing Jasper, THE Jasper. And then I heard the door open, oh shit with double T. We broke our kiss and looked towards the door, to see ALL the Cullen family –except Jasper, of cause- standing in the door way gawking at both of us their mouths wide open, shocked. We break away from each other FAST. Carlisle breaks the silence with a cough and “Well umm well it seems you’re alright now Lily…” And that’s the moment Emmett cracks it and roars out one of his loud booming laughs. An amused look comes from Esme she says “It’s so lovely to see Jasper finally found someone, I’ve been so worried about you, Jasper dear.” Esme smiles happily at Jasper, as he shifts from one foot to the other completely embarrassed. Esme turns to Alice and whispers in her ear. Alice replies loud enough for me to hear “April 4th next year -2010-.” I am so confused, I look to Jasper, he looks at me and shrugs equally confused. But I hear snickering from Edward. And that’s when I know something’s up, something I intend to find out FAST and Edward is going to tell me, he WILL tell me.