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Am I lost in Your Eyes


One Year Later

Allie's P.O.V.

So what can I say about my first year in Hollywood? I mean I'm still with George. I'm happy with him. I can't wait until we leave so he can met the family. I mean we've been here for so long and I know he's a good guy who isn't going to hurt me. I'm happy we decided to move here.

If your wondering about Amber and Jorel they are still together. I'm happy she's found someone who can make her smile they way he does. I guess she thought this was the things that's happened to us.

"What are your plans for the day?" I asked George

"Probably go with Tony and do the song I'm in. You?" he asked me

"Not sure I might get things ready for the trip" I said

"Oh" he said

From the way he sounded when he said 'oh' tells me he might not be ready to met my parents but I need to see them. I mean it's been a year since I last saw them.

"How long are we going to be there?" he asked me

"A week tops" I said

"Okay" he said leaving the room.

He's been staying here with me and Amber which I'm happy because I at leasted know things I didn't before. I just hope this trip is going to be good but I just have a really bad feeling about this trip. I mean I hope it doesn't and I know my family won't be mad about the choices I made.

I mean they can't be mad I'm about to finish school and I know I have everything I want. I just don't want it to be messed up any time soon.

George's P.O.V.

I got dressed and left the apartment. I mean don't get me wrong but I do care about Allie I just don't know where this is going. I mean Yeah we've been together for a year but where is this going?

I'm not even sure if we do have a good relationship. Well me might since we've been together for so long and she doesn't judge the shit I do.

"Hey man what are you thinking about?" Tony asked me as soon as I walk into the studio

"Do you really have to ask?" I told him

"Well it must be Allie then" he said

"Yeah I just don't know if this relationship is good for us anymore" I told him

"What do you mean?" he asked

"I'm not sure if I'm the right guy for her plus I'm not sure on her family" I told him straight to my point

"If she felt the same you she would of let you met her family?" he told me

"I know that's why I'm thinking maybe I should just end things now" I said

"I never would of seen that one coming out of your mouth" he said a little shocked

"Well let's get to work so I don't think about her" I said

He agreed and we went to work. I hop this is a good choice for the both of us but when and how are things going to go down? I mean I can't just not tell her.

This is the best choice I can come up with right now I hope she understands. I mean she has never judged me for anything I've done and stuck with me which might of been hard but we're being different people from what we used to be and this is how things have to be.
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ok i'm being serious everyone needs to comment this story and tell me what you think