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Am I lost in Your Eyes


One Week Later

Allie's P.O.V.

It's been one week since the weird ass break up between me and George. I haven't heard from him at all. I guess you can say that good yet bad at the same time. Over the past week I've decided it was best for me to move back here.

I mean it was a hard choice but I knew this way it would be better. I mean the lease just ended so we can do whatever we really want now. I mean I know Jorel had asked Amber to move in with him.

I guess things did work out for the best except one little problem. I'm a few weeks late and I know it's possible for me to be pregnant. Yeah that happens to be my worst fear. I felt my phone going off and saw it's Amber.

"Has it came yet?" she asked me

"No and I'm looking at this test box right now to take one" I told her

"Do it" she yelled into the phone

"Okay I'll call you back" I said hung up

I took the tests that we're in the boxes and took them all out. I'm not going to go with one if it says yes.

I peed on five stick and called Amber back while waiting.

"Are you?" she asked

"Just took five of them" I said

"So your doing some knocked up shit?" she asked

"Yeah" I said laughing

"How long have you been waiting?" she asked

"At least two minutes" I said

"What are you going to do if you are?" she asked me

"I don't know I mean I guess stay away from Hollywood for a little while" I said

"Are you going to tell him?" she asked

"I have no clue how he'd react to that news" I confessed

"Check the test" she said

"Okay" I said getting off my bed walking into my bathroom.

I looked at the test in horror. All five of them are positive. What kind of shit is that?

"I'm going to die" I told Amber

"They're positive?" she asked

"All fucking five of them" I said

"Wow" was all she said

"I think I have I idea but I'll see you when I go to pick up my things and I don't want to see him" I said

"That's fine with me" she said

We soon said our good byes and I looked at the tests in horror still.

I went and got on my bed and saw my nephew in my room.

"Have you heard of knocking?" I asked him

"Yeah but you didn't say shit" he said

"Oh okay" I said

"What are all those test from?" he asked me

Did I say we're only five years apart and we talk about everything to each other?

"I'm pregnant" I whispered

"No way" he said

"I took five and all I need is a confirmed your fucked" I said

"No shit" he said

"Brian what am I going to do?" I asked him

"No clue but my dad is going to flip" he said

"I know" I said

"Who's the dad?" he asked me

"Um well I was dating this guy who's in a band and well he's the dad" I said

"Hold on what band?" he asked me

"Hollywood Undead" I whisper

"Which member?" he asked really into this talk now

"Johnny 3 tears" I said

"You fucked J3t?" he said

"Well we used to be together but we broke up before I got on the plane" I confessed

"Explains why you've been out of it" he said

"Yeah" I said

We kept talking and he thought we should tell a friend that's been in love with me since we met. I mean I'm not sure if George will be here for this baby. Maybe this was the best plan we had.

I mean the baby won't be daddy less because I know he'll step up. I just wished I can talk to George right now but I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.

Another knock came on the door and we hide the test.

"Come in" I said

"Hey what are you two doing?" my brother Brian asked

"Talking" We both said

"Well I'm happy my little sister is moving back" he said kissing the top of my head

"Yeah me too" I said

"Dad we have a question" Brian said

"What is it?" he asked looking at us

"What would happen if I was let's say knocked up?" I asked

"We'd freak and I'd want to kill the dad unless you have a plan?" he said

"Well I guess we should be making plans to see a doctor" I said

"How many test did you take?" he asked a little down

"Five" I said

"When are you going to tell mom and dad?" he asked me

"In a little bit" I said

"Good and I know your going to be a good mom I mean I've seen you with kids and I'm just a little shocked" he said truthful

"Yeah me too" I said

My brother left the room and we started watching TV. They soon said dinner was ready and I knew I had to tell my parents.

We all we're about done eating and I just had to tell them.

"I have bad news" I said

"Are you going to jail for this bad news?" my mom asked

"No" I said

"Well what is it?" she said

"I'm pregnant" I said

They just looked at me in shock. I guess this was a great welcome home present.

"I'll see when you can find out how far along you are so I can have another grand baby" my mom said

"Hold on your not mad?" I asked them

"No" they both said

"I want five out of you" my mom said

"One mini Allie is enough" my nephew said

"I agree" I said

I wonder if George would feel the same way?
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