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Am I lost in Your Eyes


Three Days Later

Still Allie's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since the beach and haven't run into any of the Hollywood Undead guys. I mean I kind of feel like a idiot since i didn't snap. Me and Amber barely went to the store to buy food. I mean we like take out but we have to eat at home some time too.

We opened the door and Vengeance ran out the door. Great now I have to chase after my dog. I hate the fact his is faster and doesn't really listen when he's loose.

"Vengeance" I yelled.

He stopped and looked back and when I got closer he ran again. Right now I hate my dog so bad.

He soon stopped and I saw someones hand playing with him.

"Thanks for stopping him" I said looking at Vengeance

"No problem" a familiar heard voice.

I looked up and saw George. Vengeance hardly evenlikes guys so I'm surprised he stopped.

"You live around here?" he asked me with a smile

"Yeah down the street" I said and saw Amber coming.

"I guess we really are going to be seeing each other more since one of my friends lives here" he told me

"Hey I didn't know you we're already here" I saw J-Dog standing infront of us and Amber just got here.

I saw the look on her face and knew she'd try to rape him. If she finds out he lives here then I know where to find her later.

"Why did you name you dog Vengeance?" George asked me

"Because he wasn't a very nice puppy to people who we're dicks" I said

"He seems friendly thought" he told me playing with Vengeance

"He likes you which is rare for him to like guys" I told him

"Yeah other than the fact your ex threw him off your bed when he was a puppy and bite the shit out of him which was funny since he was being a ass" Amber said

"Yeah I know" I said

"Why was he a bad guy?" George asked Amber

"Fuck yeah he's a asshole" She said

"You probably think all guys are assholes" J-Dog said

"Not all" she said

"Well we better get him back home before he really wants to stay" I told George

"But he was started to like me" George said laughing and Vengeance moved more to him.

"I can see that since he doesn't get along with very many people" I said looking at Vengeance and he Licked George's face

"Well I guess this tells me it's okay to ask you out" George told me

"Yeah it is" I said

He asked me out and we soon went home with a not very happy Vengeance. Only this dog would choose the next guy I go out with.

I mean I know my brother Brian told him take care of me and he barked which probably not good know thinking about it.

"I can't believe that fine ass guy lives down the street" Amber said

"I guess I know who your going to be stalking" I told her

"I'm not a stalker I'm a spy" she said and I started laughing

We soon got back to our apartment and I got a text asking if Amber would go out with J-dog. I reply a yes before I even asked her. I mean I already knew her answer. I just had to tell her which I have no clue what she would say or do.
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