

Life sucks. Isn't that what all teenagers say when something bad happens at school. Well I'm telling you that I say it because my life truly does. Nothing interesting ever happens anymore and I'm sure that nothing will.

"Katie can you come down stairs for a minute please?" I heard my mum calling me from the bottom of the staircase.

"Sure, hold on mum!" I called to her as I tied my black hair into a ponytail.

I made my way downstairs and into the lounge to see my mum and dad sitting on the couch. I knew straight away that something was up and this was going to be a serious talk. I sat down on the couch opposite them and waited for one of them to start.

"Darling we need to tell you something important." My dad said to me in his business voice. I knew right then and there I wasn't going to like this.

"We need to move." My mother blurted out. She had a worried look on her face and her and my father were anxiously awaiting my reaction.

I stayed calm "Do we need to move or do you two want to move?"
My dad looked at me with shocked eyes. "Sweetie we want to move. I got offered a better job with the company and I really would like to take it."

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "So when do we move then?"


"Darling, wake up," my mother said as she shook me lightly, "we are leaving in an hour okay."

I groaned my reply to my mother and walked towards the bathroom. Hopefully at our new house ill have a bathroom on my room. I got in the shower and began to wash my hair. I took my time and enjoyed the very warm water against my skin.

I got out and dried myself. I wrapped myself in a towel and i wrapped my hair in another. I walked to my room and found everything I needed for today sprawled across my chair. Last night I had left out my blow drier, straightener, clothes, shoes, toiletries and an over night bag to put everything in. I began drying my hair and it took longer then usual. Maybe because I was daydreaming about the new adventure my family was embarking on. Finally something to do. I can explore my new town and pretty much start a new life.

After straightening my hair and pulling it into a loose ponytail, I pulled on my black skinny jeans, my All Time Low shirt and my red converse. I applied some light makeup, ran downstairs and to the car to put my overnight bag in there. I turned and looked at the house we were leaving. We have never moved from this house since I was born. You would think this would be a very emotional thing for me, but it wasn't. Yes this house held so many memories of my past but I felt that us leaving was changing what my future into something that it wouldn't have been if we stayed here.

I ran inside, grabbed my purse and laptop off the table and went back out to the car. My father and I sat in the car and waited for my mother to join us. She came out and I saw that her cheeks were stained with tears. This move was hard for here but she knew it was good for our family.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its kind of a dumb start but hey I'm not very good.

