

"Hi. My names ..."

"I know who you are."
I was so surprised to see that TAYLOR LAUTNER was standing on my front porch.

He stared at me for a little while and then started counting. "3,2,1..."

"Um, why are you counting?"

Now he looked surprised.
"I, I was waiting for the screaming to start."

"What screaming?"

"You know the 'it's a famous person, I can' believe it!' screaming."

I was about to reply but I was rudely interrupted.

"Taylor, how are you? Who's the girl?"
I heard yelling and then saw camera flashes. I looked at Taylor and saw that he was looking around. Searching for a way to escape the madness we all call 'The Paparazzi'

"Here come in side, quickly."

He gladly accepted my offer and rushed past me into that house.
"Thanks, for saving me."

"No problem."

"Darling, who was at the door, what was all that yelling?"

"Hold on mum!" I yelled towards the kitchen and turned to Taylor. "Could you wait here for just one minute please?"

Before he could answer I was running towards the stairs and on my way to my room.
I jumped on my bed and pulled a poster off of my wall, being careful not to rip it. I took off again.

"Come with me." I pulled Taylor towards the kitchen where my other was.

"Mum, you know how I love that twilight movie." I said a little embarrassed

"Yeah." She didn't look up at all.

"Well this is Taylor Lautner. One of the stars of the movie."

Now she looked up. Shock written all over her face.

"No its not."

"Yes look.
I held up the poster for her to see and she was shocked once again.

"Hello Taylor. Um if you don't mind me asking why are you in my house?"

"Oh that's right. I came over to ask for sugar? We ran out next door and its kind of a hassle for me to go shopping as you witnessed ..."


"Katie. My parents are both at work so I thought it would be a lot easier to just come and ask you for some."

"Oh well, pass the cup and I will get you some."

"Thank you."

We waited for mum to get him some sugar and she passed him the cup.

"Well the paparazzi seemed to have moved on so I should get going. I think my parents would like to invite you over for dinner but I will let you know tonight. Thanks for the sugar."

With that he was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
My mums been hogging the computer
lately so havent really had time to update.
I have exams in a couple of days as well
so I will be busy busy so sorry in advance
if updates come slowly!


=] Corrina<3