‹ Prequel: Running in Circles

Denying the Inevitable


I let my head fall backwards as a moan escaped my lips. I had always needed a moment to adjust to having Luke inside of me, and this time was no different.

I had forgotten how being with Luke made me feel. He had been my first, so obviously there were emotional strings attached. I had heard all the horror stories from my friends about their first times, but I didn't have that awful experience that they did. I wasn’t one of those girls that wished they had waited or done it differently or with someone else. My first time had been just like it was in movies. I had the romantic setting with candles and flowers and all of that. I even had the right guy that knew me probably better than I knew myself. I felt completely comfortable with Luke. I trusted him and the truth of it was that I still do trust him.

Luke groaned as he began thrusting in and out of me. His head fell into the crook of my neck and I felt his hot, shallow breath cascading over my skin. “Fuck.” He muttered. His lips connected with my neck as he began placing tender kisses. “I've missed you so much.” He raised his head and connected his eyes with mine. “I love you Brooklyn.” He told me. I had heard him say those four words about a million times, but for the first time they brought tears to my eyes. It brought tears to my eyes because I've missed him too. It brought tears to my eyes because, even after all of this time, I was still in love with Luke Schenn.

Before I had a chance to tell him that I loved him too his lips were back on mine. “I just need you to know that.”
I opened my eyes and the room was filled with golden sunlight. A smile came to my face that matched the feeling that was radiating through my whole body and the gorgeous morning was just upping my mood further. I was on cloud nine. I could still feel Luke’s touch on my skin from our night together. I bit my lip as flashbacks began filling my mind. I rolled from left side to my right side and sat up abruptly, scanning the room. Where was Luke? I grabbed the clock off my nightstand to get a closer look at it. It was 9:23 in the morning. The last thing I remembered was laying in Luke’s arms as he kissed the top of my head and ran his fingers over my bare skin. I got shivers as I remembered how his fingers felt.

I had slept with Luke.

I had sex...with Luke.

Surprisingly the smile on my face didn't leave as I kept repeating that over and over in my head. I cheated on Nathan...my fiancé...and yet I didn't feel like I had done anything wrong.

Just then my bedroom door flew open. I faced the door hoping to see Luke, but I was staring at a different Schenn and for the first time I was disappointed while looking at Brayden. “Hi.” I muttered as I pulled the blankets closer around my still naked body.

“Hi? HI?!” He yelled at me. “Are you serious?! HI?!!”

“I'm sorry...am I not allowed to greet you when you..”

“What the fuck are you thinking?” He exclaimed as he threw his hands up to press into his temples.

“I'm sorry. I just woke up. Can you like...wait until it’s at least eleven before you start yelling at me?” I stated bitterly.

“Put this on,” He demanded as he threw some clothes at me that he had in his hands. “and get downstairs. Now.” He ordered before leaving my room, closing the door behind him. I glanced at the clothes he had hurled at me and realized that they were the clothes that I had on last night; the clothes that were littered from one end of my mom’s house to the other. Fuck!

I made my way down to the living room after I put some clothes on and found Brayden pacing around the room. When I entered he turned and faced me with a look that made me feel horribly guilty. “Are you out of your mind?” I bit my lip and looked down at my feet as I braced myself for a scolding from my best friend. When he didn't say anything else I glanced up at him cautiously only to find him staring at me. “Please tell me that you and Luke didn't sleep together.”

“Well, Bray...I can’t exactly do that.” I told him shakily.

“Jesus!” He exclaimed as he put his hands on the top of his head and began pacing around. “Why would you do that to yourself?! Do you seriously like being hurt that much that you would...that you would fuck him again?! Jesus Christ Brooklyn! You're not that girl! You can’t have sex without emotional strings attached! You can’t just sleep with him and go on like nothing happened!”

“You don't have to worry about me Bray! I'm a big girl. I..”

“No. I do have to worry about you. I love you Brooke, but I'm getting tired of having to hold you together.” He told me. My eyes widened at Brayden.

“Wow. Well...I didn't realize I was such a burden to you.”

“That's not what I meant! I'm sick of having to fix you after my brother breaks you. Do you realize how much this fucks up my relationship with him? I hate him for what he's done to you; for what he's still doing to you. At some point I would like to be able to be in the same room with him without wanting to punch him in the face but you are making that impossible for me to do, Brooklyn.”

“Oh, Bray!” I cooed. “I'm fine! Really! It’s not like that. He’s not going to hurt me. I'm not sure exactly what is going to happen...but he’s not going to hurt me!” I told him, but he just shook his head at me.

“If he’s not going to hurt you then why didn't he stay here with you? Why did he run out if it’s not like that this time?”
♠ ♠ ♠

next chapter will contain loads of drama...
but i know you all like that sort of stuff.
sorry it took so long, but the holidays tend to do that.
im getting back on track, so expect lots of updates in the near future =]