‹ Prequel: Running in Circles

Denying the Inevitable


“Brayden!” I called out as I opened the door and stepped into my house. I slipped off my red ballet flats and my bare feet met the cold tiles of the front foyer. “Bray!!!” Where the hell was what boy? I made my way towards the hallway and then I heard him coming out from the guest bedroom.

“Brooke!” He said looking slightly caught off guard. “What...what are you doing here?”

“Uhm, well...I live here. What's going on?”

“I thought you had some meeting at that school.” He quizzed me.

“What’s up with you?! Why are you acting so sketchy?” He exhaled a long stream of air as he looked at the floor and ran a hand over the back of his hair. He always did that when he wasn’t sure of how to say something. It was a nervous habit of both Brayden and Luke. “Brayden!” I shouted causing his eyes to meet mine again.

“Luke is coming here.” My heart sank as I stared at Brayden’s waiting face. Why the fuck would Luke be coming here?! I didn't want him coming to my house! I didn't want him knowing where I live! I just plain didn't want to see him. Ever. Monday night was enough for me! “He’s just picking me up. He’s not coming in. He doesn't even know that I'm staying with you. He’s just going to wait in the driveway for me to..”

“When?” I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

“He’ll be here in a few minutes.” I turned from Brayden and made my way back to the door. “Brooklyn!”

“I'm leaving. I’ll come back when he’s gone.”

“Brooke I couldn't be here and not see him.”

“I don't care Brayden! I just really don't want to see him. I’ll see you later.” I mumbled as I put my flats back on my feet and reached for the doorknob.

“Hey!” Brayden said as he grabbed my elbow. “Are you mad at me?”

“No! I just don't want to be here.” I said quickly as the anxious feeling in my stomach was making me sick. I just wanted to get the hell out of here before I had to face Luke for the second time this week. “I’ll see you tonight.” I told him as I hugged him quickly with one arm. I gripped the metal doorknob and turned it. I pulled the wooden door open and stepped forward only to be brought up solid against someone’s chest. As I felt the arms that belonged to that chest wrap around me I knew exactly who it was. It was Luke fucking Schenn. God dammit! I slowly glanced upwards to find his eyes gazing into mine. Immediately I became lost in them. I had missed that colour of blue. I hadn’t seen anything like it anywhere other than Luke’s eyes. That mischievous smirk that I hadn’t seen in so long spread across his face.

“Hey Brooke.” He said, still not releasing me from his grip.

“Man!” Brayden said not bothering to hide his annoyance as he grabbed the back of my hoodie and pulled me backwards away from his brother. “I told you to text me when you got in the driveway!”

“Do you think I'm stupid, Brayden?” Luke said. The sparkle in his eyes was gone now as he sent a nasty, slightly wounded look at Brayden. “I find out that she lives here and then the next day I hear from mom that you're coming to Toronto. I call you and what do you say? ‘Oh...I’ve got a few days off. I’m coming out to chill with this chick I met this summer.’” Luke said, mocking Brayden’s voice.

“Go wait in the car!”

“Do you really think I'm that fucking stupid?!” Luke yelled. “I knew exactly why you were out here.”

“Would you two stop it?!” I shouted. I hated being their mediator. It was a part I played way too many times. I just hated them fighting.

“So you decided to just show up unwanted?” Brayden continued without even acknowledging me.

“This has nothing to do with you, Brayden! Back the fuck off!” Luke yelled and then diverted his eyes to mine. I’m surprised I even heard any of their bickering with my heart pounding in my ears. “I wanted to talk to you.” I put my face into my hands. I had never been able to say no Luke and this time was no different. Try as I may I could feel myself caving.

“Jesus Christ Luke!” Brayden exclaimed.

“I don't have time. I was just heading out.” I told him, hoping to avoid any more Schenn conflict. “So if you’ll excuse me..” I said as I tried to step around him, but of course Luke wouldn't take no for an answer. He stuck his arm out, grabbing a hold of my waist to stop me from leaving the house. My eyes connected with his again and I suddenly had flashbacks of those incredible lips against mine. I bit my bottom lip as I actually thought I felt them.

“Give me your number.” He told me. It wasn’t a question...it was more of a demand. “We’ll go out for coffee or..”

“I don't think that's such a good idea, Luke.” I said, surprised at how strong I sounded.

“Brooklyn it’s just coffee.” He told me. I highly doubted that coffee with Luke would just be coffee. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“Yah. Well...I’m sure you’ll find a way to deal with it.” I said as I pushed my way past him and left the house.

Luke’s POV

“Brooklyn!” I called out after her. I turned to follow, but before I could Brayden was in front of me.

“Leave her alone!” He demanded.

“Brayden I've got to..”

“No! You don't. She’s happy, Luke! Just let her be happy!” I watched her bright yellow jeep pull out of the driveway. How did I let my life get like this? I love that girl so much and I fucked up so bad that she can’t even be in the same room as me.

“She doesn't seem very happy.” I told Brayden.

“Yah! Because you’re here!” I narrowed my eyes at my brother as I looked at him. “You’re fucking her up again! God dammit, Luke! Why can’t you just leave her alone?!”

“Because I love her!” I yelled back at him. “I love her so fucking much! I need to get her back.”

“No! You need to leave her alone! She already gave you a second chance and you blew it! She’s engaged, Luke!” My mouth dropped open and I felt all the colour drain from my face as I let those words rip through me. “She’s engaged.” He repeated, softer this time as he registered the shock on my face. How could Brooklyn be engaged? It must have been that guy she was with on Monday night. I pushed my face into my hands at the thought of Brooklyn with someone else. He was not her type at all! He’s obviously some sort of business guy. He’s a suit! Brooklyn couldn't be happy with a suit. I shook my head at the thought.

“She is happy! He makes her happy.”

“If he makes her happy then why does she still look at me like that?” I demanded, but Brayden didn't have an answer. He just sighed and looked away. “She may not be unhappy with this guy...but she could be a hell of a lot happier.”
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So...I updated this in hopes that it will bring Luke Schenn and the Leafs good luck tonight because we need it.

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