‹ Prequel: Running in Circles

Denying the Inevitable


“I’m not doing this!” I shouted at Luke. “I'm not reliving this. Okay? Take me home!” I demanded.

“We need to talk about this!” Luke told me, trying to keep the tone mellow.

“No! We don't! You want to talk about this, but that is not happening. Ever. I'm so over this, Luke!”

“You're over this?” He asked, to which I nodded. “You're not over this.”

“Who the hell are you to tell me what I am or am not over?! Despite what you think, you don't know me!” I informed him.

“I know you pretty damn well, Brooklyn. I know that you're only with this guy because he's safe.” Luke stated referring to Nathan.

“Fuck you, Luke!”

“You are only with him because you're scared! You don't love him.”

“I love him a hell of a lot more than I EVER loved you!” I yelled. Luke had a knack for getting under my skin and dragging out emotions that I never knew existed. I could see the pain in his eyes that that statement had caused and my heart sunk. As much as he pissed me off I still didn't want to see him hurt. I turned my head away from his eyes.

“I don't buy it.” My face whirled towards him. “That's such a fucking lie it’s not even funny. How could you love this guy? He’s not your type!” I felt my blood boiling and I literally wanted to jump across the console and strangle him. Screw not wanting to hurt him.

“You know what Luke? I love Nathan in ways that I could never love you! He is everything that you will never EVER be. He puts me first! He truly cares about me! I am second to nothing in his life. He’s not my type? What exactly is my type, Luke? You?! I love Nathan because he is nothing like you.” I stopped, finally breathing and I swear that I heard his heart break. He quickly diverted his eyes from mine and stared down into his lap. “Please take me home.” I muttered in a low voice. He nodded slightly and turned the key in the ignition. As he backed out of the parking lot I turned my head to stare out the window once more. Tears were instantly filling my eyes, threatening to fall. Nothing ever got me as worked up as fighting with Luke did. I guess that after all this time it was still true. It put this sickening feeling in my stomach. It made me shake out of anger, frustration and hurt. Fighting with Luke also made me feel guilty because I always said things to him that I didn't mean. This time, however, I felt guilty that I actually did mean what I said. Nathan is not Luke...and that is what I love about him. Nathan is right for me. Luke will always have a piece of my heart...but Nathan is right for me.

I discreetly wiped my cheeks dry as Luke pulled into my drive way. I opened the door quickly and took my seatbelt off. I just wanted to get in the house and forget about tonight. “Brooke?” I turned to face Luke who who’s eyes instantly went soft. That's when I realized that I must have looked like hell. “I'm sorry that I wasn’t the kind of boyfriend that you deserved.” He told me. A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped at it, hoping that he hadn’t seen it. Of course he had, though. He was staring right into my eyes. “I tried.”

“You were a great boyfriend, Luke.” I told him honestly. “You just like to bail on me.” I slipped out of his Range Rover and closed the door behind me. I practically ran up the steps to the house and went inside. I closed the front door and leaned up against it as the tears began taking over. I slid down the door until my ass came to the floor and I wrapped my arms around my knees as I cried into them. My sobs came louder and louder until I heard footsteps coming down the hall. Immediately I tried to get rid of the tears as I jumped to my feet.

“Brooklyn?!” Nathan’s concerned voice called out just as he came into view. “Oh my god!” He exclaimed as he rushed to me and wrapped me in his arms. “What did he do to you?!” I glanced up at Nathan, confused.


“I saw you, Brooklyn. I saw you get out of Luke Schenn’s car.” I looked to my feet, suddenly feeling like I was caught red handed. Everything was about to come out into the open. There was no way I could get around it. Nathan saw me with Luke. He heard me burst into the house and then break down crying. He knew I lied to him. He wasn’t stupid. “What’s going on?” He demanded. He was no longer alarmed. He was royally pissed and he was standing there awaiting an explanation.

“It...it’s just that we...I..I have to call Brayden.” I blurted as I pushed past him, suddenly remembering something that Luke had said.

“Brooklyn!” Nathan called after me, but I kept going. I rushed into the bedroom and grabbed the phone, dialling my best friend’s number. After what felt like a million rings he answered.

“Hey you. I was just..”

“Did Luke go to my dad’s to take it all back?” I questioned. He didn't need to answer me. The lack of an answer and the sigh I heard told me everything. “Oh my god.” I muttered. “Oh my god!”

“Brooklyn, what's going on?” he asked.

“OH MY GOD!” I shouted.


“How could you keep this from me?! You let me cry to you for weeks over him and you knew full well that he tried to fix what he did!”

“Brooklyn, I..”

“Why the fuck would you do that to me Brayden?!” I demanded. “Why?!”

“Because he is no good for you!”

“I don't believe this.” I said to myself as I sat on the edge of my bed. Everything I had thought for the past three years was a lie.

“Listen to me, okay? He went to the house to apologize but obviously he didn't try that hard. He could have called you. I mean jesus christ, Brooklyn! He had three fucking years to call you and he never once managed to do it. He could have gone after you but he didn't. He didn't, Brooklyn! He gave up. Is that what you want? You're happy with Nathan! Are you telling me that knowing this makes a difference now?”

“No.” I muttered. It didn't make a difference now...it sure as hell would have made a difference three years ago. “I just still can’t believe you let me think that he..” I stopped mid sentence as the bedroom door flew open.

“Get off the phone.” Nathan ordered. “NOW.”

“Bray...I’ll call you back.” I muttered into the receiver before hanging up.

“What the fuck is going on with you and Luke Schenn?” Nathan demanded. I had never seen this look on his face before. He looked like he wanted to punch something, but he also looked insecure as he stood there in front of me. I shook my head slightly, hoping that he would just let it go.”God dammit, Brooklyn!” He yelled causing me to jump slightly. Nathan had never yelled at me before and it shocked me. “TELL ME!”

“He’s my ex.” I muttered.

“He’s your..” He trailed off suddenly realizing exactly which ex I was talking about. “Oh my god.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Major drama is about to unfold.
Brace yourselves.