‹ Prequel: Running in Circles

Denying the Inevitable


“Luke Schenn is your ex?” Nathan questioned, to which I nodded. “The ex that..”

“Yes! That ex.” I cut him off, trying to get right to the point. I watched as Nathan paced back and forth through our bedroom for what felt like an hour, but it was probably only a minute. I couldn't even begin to imagine what he must have been thinking.

“Why were you out with him tonight?” He asked without looking at me.

“He just wanted to go get a coffee.” I told Nathan, purposely leaving out the details of said coffee trip.

“You hate coffee.” He informed me.

“I had hot chocolate.” I stated quickly and quietly.

“Why were you crying like that? And what was so important that you had to call Brayden so fast?” He stressed Brayden’s name and that was when I realized that he was pissed off about that too. I tried frantically to come up with something, but I couldn't. I so badly wanted to lie to Nathan but I just couldn't come up with anything that was believable.

“It’s just...it’s sad that we can’t be friends like we were before...before we were more than friends.” I told him. Nathan nodded as he sat next to me on the bed.

“Well don't take this the wrong way, Brooke...but I'm pretty damn happy that you can’t be friends with him.” I glanced at Nathan as a surge of anger shot through me and I felt the need to defend my relationship with Luke; however fucked up and dysfunctional it may be. “I just don't see how you could be friends with him and still be with me.”

“Are you kidding me?!” I exclaimed as I stood to my feet.

“No! How do you expect to be friends with him? I won’t sit back and watch that.” He told me. “You're way too close with one Schenn already.”

“Brayden is my best friend! If he was a girl you wouldn't be all insecure! You need to get over it. The two people in the whole world that know me the best are guys.” I told him.

“Brayden and Luke?” He asked to which I nodded. “I thought you told me that you don't know Luke at all.” I diverted my eyes remembering the sole conversation Nate and I had about Luke. “You can’t be friends with him if you want to be with me.”

“You can’t tell me who I am allowed to be friends with so don't you dare even threaten me with that.” I shouted.

“Brooklyn, I..”

“I have known Luke my whole life! All of it! If I want to be friends with him then I will be friends with him. You can’t stop me.” I spat as I stormed out of the bedroom. I collapsed onto my back on the bed in the guest bedroom and my mind was racing. Why had I just freaked out like that? Nathan had every right to be pissed off. I hadn’t been completely honest with him and I went out for coffee with my ex. I don't even want to be friends with Luke! Why did I panic like that?

Luke’s POV

I woke up this morning and knew exactly what I had to do. I know Brooklyn better than anyone; even after all this time. I know that she doesn't love that guy despite what she may think. She's just comfortable and she's scared. I guess it’s my fault that things turned out like this. I pushed her into the arms of this guy. She’s scared of getting hurt again. I couldn't let Brooklyn get away from me this time. I was an idiot before. I was too young to realize what a mistake I was making, but it was all so clear to me right now. I knocked on Brooklyn’s front door and when she opened it an instant smile was plastered on my face. She was standing there in a pair of sweatpants, a hoodie and her hair was pulled back from her face in a messy ponytail and she looked absolutely beautiful. “Hey.”

“Hi.” She replied as she stood there waiting for me to talk.

“Are you hungry?”

“No.” She answered rather quickly. “What are you doing here, Luke?” She asked sounding pretty annoyed. I couldn't help but grin, she always looked so cute when she was annoyed. Back when we were together I would have wrapped my arms around her and tickled her until she couldn't possibly be frustrated any longer. I doubt that would have gone over so well right now.

“I'm not bailing on you this time.” I told her. She laughed slightly at my answer.

“Don't you think it’s a little late for that?”

“No. You don't want to be with me...fine. But I don't want to lose you from my life completely Brooklyn.” Her eyes softened and I knew that she was contemplating what I had just said. I had kind of figured that she still had feelings for me but at that moment I was certain. The look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know.

“Luke...I don't know if we can be in each other’s lives.” She told me gently.

“We’ll take it one day at a time.” I assured her.

“But I don't know if I..”

“I’ll take what I can get.” I told her knowing full well that I wouldn't settle for being just her friend. “Lunch every now and then...coffee...whatever.”

“I don't think that's such a good idea.” She muttered.

“Why? If you're so in love with your fiancé then what's the problem? You won’t be able to resist me will you?” I asked with a smirk. She tried to hide her grin by looking down at the floor but I could still see it. I reached out gently lifted her chin connecting her eyes to mine. Her grin vanished and she made no effort to pull away from my hand as her eyes locked on mine. I pushed her hair out of her eyes with my free hand. One thing hadn’t changed. Three years had passed but my heart still skipped a beat when I looked into those eyes.

“Luke we..”

“So are you hungry or what?” I cut her off before she could ruin my little moment.

“I'm actually...” She trailed off and then took a deep breath. “Nathan wouldn't like that.” She told me with a hint of sadness in her voice. Hearing that made me ecstatic. She didn't say no because she didn't want to...she said no because of him.

“I can keep a secret.” Her eyes darted up to mine. “It’s just lunch. As friends. He may not be happy with it but it’s up to you if you want to tell him.” I tilted my head sideways and raised my eyebrows awaiting her response. I watched her and I could see the wheels turning in her head. She glanced down and her hands as she fiddled with her fingers. She had a nervous habit of picking at her nails when she was trying to figure something out. I smiled to myself when I saw this. She was still the same Brooklyn that I've always loved. She glanced back up at me, bit her bottom lip and nodded.

“Great!” I said. “What do you feel like?”
♠ ♠ ♠
oh Luke.
you need to make your team start winning some hockey games.

comments? i'd love them =]