Status: Complete


Admit It

It was the ending of two weeks of Peyton ignoring me. When I say ignoring, it’s an understatement. He honestly ran into me in the hall and didn’t even say a word; instead he kept moving, stepping all over my things.

He hasn’t looked at me, he hasn’t even spoken to me. It’s like he completely erased me from his life.It’s pissing me off.

And ok…I’ll admit it that I am…kind of…sort of…just a little tiny bit, jealous. Just a little bit though!

Because the crush I have on Peyton is so unbelievably small that you cannot see it with the naked eye. You need a super powered microscope to see it, which means the jealousy isn’t that bad either.

Although, it’s getting worse as the days go on. He keeps flirting and touching and…god damn it those girls better stop touching him before I snap their scrawny necks! Eh…I m-mean that…um…yeah scratch that last comment.

It was currently fourth period. Any minute now the bell would ring and it’d finally be time for lunch. I bit my lip impatiently, ready to bolt out of here and get my food. My stomach was growling angrily. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning and now I was regretting it…

When the bell rang I ran. I was moving down the stair case to get to lunch when I saw them.

My jaw dropped as I stared. Standing in the corner of the staircase was Peyton and some sophomore. They were making out, not caring that people were watching them as they groped one another.

I wasn’t sure what I planned on doing as I moved down the steps. All I knew was that I wanted her off him. I reached out, my hand grabbing Peyton’s hood and I ripped him backwards. They pulled away with a soft ‘pop’ and I gave neither of them any time to realize what was happening before I was dragging Peyton to the nearest janitors closest.

I threw the boy inside before turning on the light and slamming the door shut.

“What the fuck was that?” I hissed, my hand fisting itself in Peyton’s jacket.

The smirk on his face screamed so much superiority it made me sick. I wanted to connect my fist with his face, but decided not to because I knew he’d easily kick my ass.

“I thought you wanted me to leave you alone,” Peyton teased his smirk pretty much glowing now. “I did what you asked.”

“Fuck you, you’re doing all this on purpose you good for nothing bastard!”

“It’d be a lot easier if you just admitted it.”

“Admit what?” I ask.

Peyton moved quickly, his lips pecking my own for a brief second before he spoke, “That you like me.”

My cheeks were burning, whether it was from the heat of the crowded closest or how close Peyton was getting to me, I wasn’t so sure anymore. My body was saying that it was all Peyton’s fault, but my brain refused to admit it. It was still clinging to the fact that I was a straight teenage boy.

“I…” I wasn’t so sure what to say.

“You’re too cute when you’re jealous,” Peyton chuckled, his lips brushing mine as he spoke.

The tightening in my chest was too much. I didn’t like it…yes I did.

“Ok…I l-like you,” I admitted, which got me a raised eyebrow from Peyton. “But it’s hardly there. You need a damn microscope to see it, it’s a really tine, tiny crush! Hardly even there!”

The roll of Peyton’s eyes said that he didn’t believe me, but he shrugged anyways. “Good enough.”

He went to move back in but I put my hand between us. He glared at me, but I spoke before he could complain, “I’m not kissing you.”

“Why not?” Peyton asks, his voice muffled from my hand.

“I don’t know where your mouth or that girls has been…go wash your mouth.”

Peyton laughed and I felt the strings of my heart begin to pull. I’ve heard him chuckle; snicker, but laugh…that’s a different story. It actually sounded kind of…nice…

Damn it, I feel like a girl…

“Dumb ass.”

“Bastard,” I growled.

“You like it.”

I groaned, “I’m not going to live this down am I?”

“Nope.” By the way he was grinning, I knew that I was going to regret admitting that.

Somebody kill me now, I’m screwed.
♠ ♠ ♠
There I updated
Now where's my love? :D
