Status: Complete


Baby Steps

Stupid Peyton and his stupid attitude problem! Fuck him! I’m not his. I’ll never be his. Because I’m not a toy, I’m not property, I’m not something that you can buy and say that it’s yours. I’m a damn human being and he better learn that!

What an asshole…he can’t control what I do. If I want to hang out with my friends then I will. They are my friends after all and it’s my life. I can do what I want! He’s not in control of it. He acts like a jealous, obsessed, over-protective boyfriend, which he isn’t because a.) he hasn’t asked me out and b.) I’ll never ask him out because he’s a jerk.

Do you hear me? A jerk! A fucking jerk!

Many pillows suffered my wrath…


“Sweetie…are you feeling ok?” Mother asked, once she realized that my alarm clock had went off fifteen minutes ago.

I sighed, “Can I stay home today?”

“What for?” She asks, a hand coming up to my forehead like every carrying mother does. She checked for the temperature before feeling my cheeks and running her hands through my hair. “You don’t feel warm.”

“Please,” was all I whispered, opening my eyes to show how much I really didn’t feel like going today. I didn’t want to see him. I didn’t want to see that asshole.

“If something is wrong you’ll tell me right?” Mom asked, concerned. I leaned up and kissed her cheek, promising if something went wrong I’d tell her right away. When she was satisfied she said good-bye and told me to get a lot of rest because tomorrow I can’t skip.

That morning I laid in my bed, head buried in the pillow, and blankets wrapped around me shielding me from the air. I don’t know how long I slept, how long I dreamed, but when I awoke it was because my stomach was growling furiously.

I was lazy so I just made some popcorn. It was quick and only involved the microwave plus I wouldn’t have to do any dishes.

As I sat on the couch, the TV blaring, and the people moving across the screen panicking about something that I wasn’t really paying attention to, I heard a knock on the door. I already knew who it was and I already knew that if I didn’t answer he’d just walk in anyways.

Maybe I should start remembering to lock the door…it’s too late now.

“What the hell are you doing?” His asked, the sound of his footsteps telling me that he was advancing towards my location on the couch.

I didn’t answer him, because I’m immature and decided that I’m going to give him the silence treatment. It was working, I ignored every question he asked me, ranging from what am I doing, why wasn’t I at school, and why am I not answering.

My silent treatment was a brilliant idea until Peyton decided that he was going to throw one leg over me and place his fat ass in my lap. I squeaked as the boy straddled me, his hands placing themselves against the arm of the couch.

He leaned forward, close enough so, if he wanted to kiss me he could, but he didn’t. Instead he spoke to me with a stoic face, “You better fucking answer me Scout.”

“I didn’t come to school today. So what? Do I have to ask you for permission for that too? You’re not the boss of me!” I shouted in his face before shoving a hand full of popcorn in my mouth. I was still hungry and this ass was ruining my lunch.

Peyton’s stoic face soon turned angry. There were times, like this, where he’d show what he was feeling, but there were other times where his face would remain blank and I’d have no idea what he was really feeling. There were times where he’d show a grin, but I knew that he wasn’t at all happy. He was hard to read…he was like another language to me.

“I didn’t say that I was.”

“You sure as hell act like it!”

“Well excuse me for wanting to spend time with you.”

“Spend time with me?” I hiss, glaring up at him. “You aren’t my boyfriend so why the hell should I spend time with you?”

“Then be my boyfriend.” Now that I wasn't expecting.

I scoffed anyways and turned my head away before answering stubbornly, “No way!”

“And why not?” Peyton was getting ticked; I could see his eyebrow twitching.

“Because you can’t demand me to be your boyfriend. First of all you have to ask nicely and second of all, since you are an asshole, you have to make up with that by doing something nice or at least romantic!”

Peyton rolled his eyes, his hand coming up to rub the bridge of his nose. “You’re acting more like a girl everyday.”

“Fuck you! I am not, I just have to go through baby steps with you dumb ass!”

Peyton eyed me suspiciously before asking, “Are you calling me stupid?”

“In understanding relationships, yes you are the biggest idiot to ever hit the planet,” I answered, with a grin on my lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I want five comments or no update :D
