Status: Complete



“What do you want?” I growl, moving across my room to grab some clothes for tonight.

“I was thinking about what you said,” Peyton says. I roll my eyes, he was thinking about what I said oh that’s great, so did he just come here to shove it in my face that he won’t do anything I ask him to? What an ass.

“And…I want to quit.”

I dropped everything in my hands, on accident of course, but it isn’t everyday you hear Peyton admit that he wants to quit drugs. So can you blame me?

“What’d…you say?” I ask, turning my head to look at the boy who was lying on my bed. I had to make sure that I heard him right…

“Drugs, alcohol, sleeping around…I want to stop,” Peyton spoke, pushing himself to sit up and look over at me. I bet I was a site to see, with my jaw dropped and eyes wide. I probably looked like a fish.

“But I’m only doing it on one condition.”

Of course there’s a catch. There’s always a catch. I sigh, “What is it?”

“You have to be my boyfriend.”

“Why can’t you just ask me nicely like a normal person?” I ask, crossing my arms stubbornly over my chest.

“Because I know you’ll say no, like a normal person,” Peyton chuckles, hoping off my bed to walk over to me.

I glare at his feet, but not for long. Peyton reaches up to cup my chin and tips my head up to look at him. He smirks before asking, “If I ask nicely then, will it be a deal?”

“Only if you promise to never, ever do them again,” I answer.

For a moment, Peyton was silent. I was guessing that he was flipping the proposal over in his head, thinking of a way to get around it I bet, but eventually I saw Peyton give in and I smiled widely when he sighed in defeat.


“Promise!” I shout, bringing up my pinky, because everyone has to promise this way. No matter how old you are.

Peyton glared at my finger, before falling into my childish ways and wrapping his pinky around my own. “I promise.”

I smile before letting go of his finger and wait patiently for the question that I knew he had to ask so we could finish the deal.

“Now,” Peyton says, his hands grasping my own and intertwining our fingers. I flush when the boy leans his forehead against my own. “Will you, Scout, be my boyfriend? Or do I have to beg?”

“Begging sounds interesting,” I joke, but nod my head. “Yeah…I’d like that.”

Peyton chuckles, before closing the gap between us and crushing his lips against mine. I sighed contently, allowing Peyton to pull me into him with ease. Our lips moved in sync with another and when his tongue asked for entrance, I opened wide, allowing it to wreak havoc in my mouth.

I moaned, my hands twisting into the fabric of his shirt. The tingling in my lungs said I needed air, but we only parted for a second, enough to inhale, before I leaned up to kiss the lips that I can now proudly say are mine and mine alone.

“I got to go,” Peyton says, not long after I got home.

For once, I didn’t want him to leave. It was kind of nice, just sitting on his lap like this while we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas.

“Why?” I ask, leaning my head back on his shoulder to look up at his face.

“My parents are already pissed at me, I wouldn’t want them getting angrier,” Peyton answers, his lips ghosting over mine before I move to let him get on and put his shoes back on. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

It was a statement, not a question, because we both knew one way or another we’d see each other.


Peyton nods before waving good-bye and walking out of my room, shutting the door behind him. Once I heard the front door open and close, signaling that he had left, I sighed and fell back onto my bed.

This…relationship…we now have. It was kind of scary…

He really pisses me off a lot. There’s a lot of things that he does that makes me want to drown him in a lake and let his body lie there to rot, but…there’s a lot of things about him that just makes my heart jump, my breath catch, and those cliché butterflies explode in my chest.

I wasn’t sure if we’d work or not…hell I don’t even know if we can last this entire week without fighting and ripping the other’s head off…but…

I am happy that we’re trying.
♠ ♠ ♠
I bet you all liked that :D
They're officially DATING!
Yes, very :D
