Status: Complete


You're The Best

I thought they’d be ok with it, really I did. I always thought that my friends were very kind, nice, understanding, and open-minded people. So when I thought about telling them about the relationship I had with Peyton…I thought they’d be fine with it.

I expected them to laugh at me, tease me about my bad choice in guys, and maybe even lecture me because of the fact that he used to make fun of me a lot and that he’s a bad influence, but that wasn’t what I got. Instead I got four, very worried, very disgusted stares…

“I…you’re not…ok with it are you?” I ask, looking between the four of them who were all still, silent, and staring.

“No!” Nathan answered for them, the grimace on his face telling me that he didn’t appreciate what I had to say. “You’re a fag Scout! How can you expect us to accept that? It’s disgusting and wrong!”

I flinched when I saw Claire and Marissa nod in agreement. I knew both girls went to church with their family, but I never thought that they didn’t like gays. When we saw them or heard of them, they never said anything or made faces like this, but I guess being friends and knowing one is just different…

“But there’s nothing wrong with it,” I try to say, but Marissa cuts me off.

“There’s everything wrong with it Scout! Guys aren’t meant to sleep with other men. It’s just…gross!”

Nathan stands from his seat next to Claire. I watch as the boy shakes his head, as if he’s disappointed, before saying, “I’m not hanging out with fags.”

Claire, as expected, followed he boyfriend, agreeing with what he had to say. I frowned when I saw her glare at me before following after Nathan, both of them easily turning their backs on me. Not even a second afterwards Marissa sighs, “Sorry Scout, but it’s wrong and…I don’t hate you for it, but it just isn’t right and I’m not ok with it…sorry.”

She got up too and soon it was only Jeremy and I left. I didn’t even look towards my best friend, scared to see and hear the same words my other “friends” had to say…but I guess I should have remembered that Jeremy was different.

“I bet he smells like vinegar.”

“What?” I sniffle, brushing the tears from my cheeks. I look over at Jeremy to see that he wasn’t looking at me, but at Peyton who was walking towards us.

“Peyton’s penis, he probably doesn’t bathe!” Jeremy cracked up and not long afterwards, I was laughing too.

“So…you’re ok with it?” I ask, hopefully. Nathan, Claire, and Marissa were all important friends to me. Each one was nice and fun to hang out with, but Jeremy was my best friend and I knew that it’d hurt worse to lose him then the other three…even if that sounds mean it’s true.

“Well…I’m not exactly used to it, but you’re my best friend Scout! If you like dick then I’ll learn to live with it, because I’m not turning my back on you,” Jeremy answered with a goofy smile that only he could pull off.

I tackled Jeremy as soon as the words left his lips. He shouted when I laughed loudly, my arms wrapping around him so I can squeeze him.

“You’re the best,” I cry into his chest, happy that I still had him. It was better then nothing…I am sad that I lost Nathan, Claire, and Marissa, but they aren’t true friends if they can’t accept me for who I am.

“I try,” Jeremy joked before hugging me right back.

“What the hell is your problem?” Peyton asks, looking down at me to see the tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Hey, hey that isn’t a nice way to greet your boyfriend!” Jeremy shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Peyton. “Are you sure you want to date him? Cuz he’s an ass and I think you can do better.”

“What’d you say?” Peyton growled.

I watched Jeremy’s face lose its color at the sound. The boy whined before hiding behind me and crying, “Don’t eat me.”

“It’s nothing,” I answer, using my sleeve to wipe the tears away.

“No…tell me,” Peyton orders, finally looking away from Jeremy to focus on me. “Who did it?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“It should be obvious.”

“Oh my god he’s going to kill them!” Jeremy panicked, eyes wide with horror.

Peyton rolled his eyes before answering, “Killing isn’t worth the jail time…but the temptation is still there.”

Jeremy gave me a look that clearly questioned my sanity. I sighed before pushing the boy out from behind me. He rolled in the grass, but I ignored him as I stood to my feet and smiled at Peyton. “You didn’t greet me correctly.”

“There’s a certain way I have to greet you?” Peyton questions, his face stoic as he stared down at me.

“Yes,” I answer, holding up three of my fingers. “First you have to say hi. Second you need to kiss me and third you need to say something to suck up to me to make up for all the shit you’ve put me through.”

Each time I mentioned something my fingers went done until none were left. Peyton eyed me as if I were an idiot before sighing, “Hi.” He leaned in and kissed me and I smirked. “You look…not ugly today.”

Jeremy howled with laughter and I punched Peyton in the jaw.
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't see Scout's friends as mean homophobes
So I made them...homophobes that weren't really dramatic about stuff...does that make sense? xD
