Status: Complete


You're Important To Me

Just like every other cliché date, Peyton and I went to the movies. We sat in the back of the dark room, because I think we both knew what we really wanted to do…and it didn’t involve watching the movie.

I threw a piece of my candies into my mouth. The Reese’s Pieces melted in my mouth and I sighed. These things were a gift from God, I swear.

They’re just so damn good.

Soon the lights dimmed and the commercials started to play across the screen. From the corner of my eye I could see Peyton’s bored stare was trained on the screen in front of us. I chuckled, so he really didn’t want to see the movie.

Sighing. I set my candy aside before moving to place myself in Peyton’s lap. When I felt his arm snake around my waist immediately I knew that he either planned this or was hoping that it’d happen.

“You know…we didn’t have to come to the movies to do this,” I whispered when I felt his lips sucking against my pulse.

Peyton nibbled on the flesh before letting it go and breathing against it, “But…I thought you’d enjoy it if I took you out for once.”

“You don’t have to though,” I say into his soft locks. The boy pulled away though and I frowned when I couldn’t smell his shampoo anymore. It was fruity scented and I liked it, but what Peyton had to say next made me stop thinking about the fruity-goodness.

“Yes I do, because you’re important to me and I have to prove that.”

My heart swelled inside my chest and I couldn’t help but smile. The theatre was too dark for me to see Peyton entirely, but I could tell that he was being serious. Sighing contently I lean in to kiss him multiple times. “Thanks…you know for trying.”

Peyton nods, his lips attaching to mine in a mind-blowing kiss. When we finally pulled away Peyton went back to exploring my neck, kissing, sucking, and biting at the sensitive flesh. I kept my noises quiet, not wanting to disturb anyone in the theatre, but it’s kind of hard not to moan in ecstacy when Peyton’s hands are playing with your nipples.

I gasped, my back arching at the feel of Peyton’s thumb rubbing against the hardening nipple. I felt his smirk against my throat. I hated and loved when he did this.

Of course it always felt amazing, but I always felt bad afterwards because…I never did anything for Peyton.

I bit my lip; Peyton’s other hand had slipped into my jeans to cup my ass. I didn’t want to be the only one who got something out of this, so hesitantly I moved my hand down his chest. Peyton didn’t notice or say anything until he felt my fingers undoing the button of his jeans.

His head shot up, eyes wide and questioning. “What are you doing?”

“I…you’re always the one doing it to me,” I answer, blushing madly. “I just…t-t-thought that…I s-s-shouldn’t be the only one g-getting something out of this.”

“Are you sure?” He asks, his hand wrapping itself around my wrist to keep it from digging into his boxers.

I nodded my head quickly. It took a couple of minutes of Peyton staring at me and asking me over and over again if I really wanted to until he finally gave in. Slowly, he let go and twisted his finger into my hair before pulling me down to his lips.

I groaned at the feel of his tongue in my mouth, but I had other things to focus on…

My hand moved into his boxers where I felt his erection. My shaking fingers wrapped around his cock and it throbbed in appreciation. Peyton’s hips bucked at the feel of me fisting him. I wasn’t sure if I’d be any good or not, but…

I began pumping my fist and each time I felt Peyton thrust into my hand it encouraged me to go just a little faster. I ran my thumb over his slit, the pre cum smearing across my finger and allowing me to move my fist faster and with more ease.

He was panting now; soft groans cascaded past his lips. The sounds had my heart hammering wildly inside my chest.

“Close,” Peyton gasped into my ear, his lips moving over my own and tongue thrusting into my mouth. I’m not sure who moaned, him, or me but I knew one of us did before I felt Peyton’s groan against my lips and the feel of his cum soaking my hand. I didn’t stop though, and continued until I had helped Peyton milk out his orgasm.

“I think I’m going to have to take you out more often,” Peyton said, kissing my lips once more.

I laughed, “Shut up, this isn’t happening on a regular basis ok.”

Faintly, I could see the roll of Peyton’s eyes before he says, “I need to go clean up.”

“O-Ok,” I stutter, using a napkin to clean my hand off.

When Peyton left the theatre I sighed…

I can’t believe I just did that…even though it’s pretty much the same as masturbating, I did it to Peyton…Peyton!

If someone were to tell me that this would happen last year, I would have laughed in their face. It’s seriously strange…this relationship we have…but I can’t say that I don’t like it, because it’d be a lie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow I got out 5 updates!
I think I'm done until I get some comments
:D Now you know what to do if you want moreI'm pre-writing the rest.
