Status: Complete


I Dreamt

“Boo-yeah beat that sucker!” Jeremy shrieked, his voice echoing through out the already loud arcade area.

I rolled my eyes as, yet again, Nathan lost. The boy simply rolled his eyes before being challenged to another game. He simply waved his hand, signaling that he rather go hang out with his girlfriend then kill zombies with a hyperactive teenager.

Jeremy turned his wide eyes towards me and I suddenly felt like a bug under a microscope. Frantically, my eyes searched for a type of escape.

I knew if I played against the boy I’d win and then he’d cry and demand to play again and we’d continue to play until he beat me, and let me tell you that he has never beat me so it goes on for a while. I know you’re all wondering, then why the hell don’t you just say no to him?

Well the boy has a damn puppy face. Every time he looks at me with those pouting lips he reminds me of a kicked puppy and nobody, except for Peyton, likes kicked puppies.

I nearly cried when Jeremy asked, “Scout, will you play with me?”

“Um…I…I need to uh…I need to use the restroom!” I shout before running off. Jeremy screamed after me that I was a dirty liar, but I ignored him in order to save myself from standing there for hours on end.

Laughing, I push open the doors to exit the building and just as I take foot outside, bam, I run into a brick wall!

I groan and stumble backwards before regaining my balance. I cursed at the asshole that decided to move a brick wall right in front of the entrance before I even opened my eyes.

When I did open them though I realized two things, the first being that I really didn’t run into a brick wall, and the second being that I had actually run into Peyton.

I shot a glare up at the sky before grumbling, “Fuck you too then.”

“Idiot, watch where you’re going,” Peyton hissed at me before pressing his palm against my chest and pushing me aside. I growled as the boy walked past me to go inside, leaving me on my ass outside.

“Asshole!” I shout after him, but he either didn’t care or didn’t hear me, because the boy didn’t return.

Once I managed to get back onto my feet I brushed the dirt off my jeans and walked back inside to find my friends. Hopefully, Jeremy found a different victim.

“Hey, what crawled up your ass and died?” Claire asks once I return.

I found them all sitting together, eating a pizza. I pulled out a seat and placed myself next to Jeremy before grumbling, “Stupid Peyton. What is he even doing here?”

“He’s stalking your sexy ass,” Nathan laughs at me.

I choked on my pizza and I don’t know what’s worse, that my best friend found it hilarious or that a stranger had to help me cough it back up. Once I drank all my water to clear my throat and managed to breathe again I thanked the boy that helped me before asking, “Were you guys just going to let me choke?”

They only seemed to laugh harder.

I crossed my arms over my chest before whining, “I need to find new friends. You’re all dicks.”


I sighed when I finally managed to get home. Quickly, I kicked off my shoes before walking upstairs. As usual, no one was home. Dad was on another one of his business trips and mom was working night shift at the hospital.

The house felt cold when neither of them was home, but I’ve gotten so used to being alone that it hardly bothers me anymore.

Lazily, I sat down on the couch and flipped through the channels. Nothing on was really catching my attention and I groaned, “There’s nothing to do.”

All right, there was homework, but there was no way I was snooping down that low.

After a whole half hour of debating I decided that there was nothing to do no matter what and I had to watch some boring cartoon. Honestly, they should put Looney tunes back on maybe the kids wouldn’t be so violent and mouthy. A five year old cussed me out the other day!

What the fuck?

I didn’t even know what a cuss word was until I was in fourth or fifth grade!

Damn brat.

Back to the point though, I got myself some dinner and took a shower. I played some video games, but easily got bored. Thankfully though, my eye lids started to get heavy and I knew that if I hit the mattress now I’d be passed out until the next morning…so that’s what I did and just like expected, 6 the next morning my alarm clock blared through out my room and I woke up.

I grumbled angrily as I got out of bed. The grumbling continued as I grabbed a pair of shorts and a plain t-shirt before going to the bathroom. There I took a shower and decided to continue my rampage of grumbling.

If my mother saw me right now she’d think I was psycho, mumbling to myself and shit, but I had a damn good reason for my grumbling.

I slipped on my clothes and got ready for school just like every other day. I attempted to fix the brown mess on my head that I call hair, but I failed miserably. It was always crazy and going all over the place. Sometimes I debate on cutting it, but then I remember that I look retarded and too normal with short hair so I decide against it.

Finally when I finished I walked downstairs and stepped into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes hitting my nostrils.

My mother turned around then and smiled at me. She opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it,

“I dreamt about taco’s.”

She howled in laughter.

I hate taco’s.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just imagine it.
You're standing there making breakfast and when you turn around the first thing you hear is,
"I dreamt about taco's."
Classic :]
