Status: Complete


I'm Frightened

I ran, I ran, and I ran, but I wasn’t surprised when Peyton easily caught up with me. Not only did his legs have a longer reach then my own, but he was and always has been quicker on his feet then me.

That didn’t keep me from trying to get away though and it definitely didn’t keep me from trying to get away when he got a hold of my jacket. I kicked and punched, trying to remove myself from his grasp as he pulled me back into the park.

The rink was right across the street, but somehow no one saw Peyton drag me behind one of the large slides in the park.

This was it…I was going to die here. Peyton was going to kill me, bury my body is some disgusting place, and I’ll never be found. My murder will be a mystery!

I groaned when Peyton shoved me against the slide. The cool metal sunk in through my jacket, chilling me to the bone, or maybe I was cold because Peyton was glaring at me in a way that screamed bloody murder.

“You,” Peyton growled.

Oh yeah, I’m dead.

“What the fuck were you doing?”

“I-I’m sorry!” I shout, scared for my life. “I just…I just heard your voice and I w-w-was wondering what y-you were doing so I k-kind of looked and I…I d-didn’t mean to! I w-won’t tell anyone, I p-promise!”

Peyton looked at me for a couple of minutes. His eyes bore into my own as if he was looking for something. My blood was rushing through my entire body, my heart felt like it was about to burst, and my stomach was eating away at me, telling me that I was an idiot for letting my curiosity take over me.

I nearly sighed in relief when he let go of me, but I held it back. I didn’t want to suddenly get him angry at me again.

“If you tell anyone I swear I’ll make you fucking regret the day you were born,” Peyton threatened while grabbing the hem of my jacket, easily lifting me an inch off the ground.

I grab his wrist to keep my jacket from choking me while nodding my head frantically. Peyton growled before throwing me back against the slide again. I hissed when my head made contact with the metal, but ignored the pain because I knew Peyton could do far worse.

“I’ll be watching you,” Peyton says, his voice sending a shiver down my spine.

I felt a lump form in my throat as Peyton begins to back away before he finally turned around and walked away, probably to go find someone else to sleep with.

I sighed in relief before allowing my trembling legs to rest by falling to the ground. I took in deep breaths in hopes to calm my erratic heartbeat.

That was…eventful.

Remind me to never, ever look into dark alleyways with voices ever again!

After a few moments I pushed myself to stand and wobbled over to the rink. There I met up with my friends and I tried my best to keep my cool, but I just had this feeling in my gut. It felt like something was going to go horribly wrong sooner or later.

“Hey guys, I’m not feeling so great,” I say to my friends, which all had just sat down to take a break. “I’m going to go home.”

“Aw man,” Jeremy whines. “It was just getting fun.”

“Sorry,” I laugh as I push myself to stand. “Maybe next time?”


“You need a ride man?” Nathan asks. He had driven him and how can I say no to a free ride? So of course I accepted and allowed Nathan to drive me back to my house where I made sure to lock all the doors and windows.

I'm frightened ok…I mean, can you blame me?


I groaned when I felt my back slam against cool metal, again. My eyes opened slowly to see the one boy behind my panicking standing before me.

There was that look again…

His eyes looked dull, lifeless…hopeless. There seemed to be a bruise on his cheek, but he was wearing so much make up that you couldn’t see it unless you were up close.

His face, whether he meant it to be or not, looked sad, helpless. He just looked like he needed something, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

So my body didn’t move, it didn’t push him away no matter how much I told it to. I just stood there and let him lean against me with his arms wrapped around my waist. I let his fingers run up and down my spine. I let his hips rest between my own. I let his lips skim over my pulse, but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t bother me.

“I’m surprised you haven’t told anyone yet,” Peyton spoke, his lips brushing against my ear.

I shivered but tried to play it off by grumbling, “I can’t really tell now can I?”

Peyton chuckled, his hot breath now hitting my throat. “I guess so…”

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat before going silent again. I was frightened. What if I said the wrong thing? What if I did something wrong and he just…snapped?

I didn’t even want to think about what could happen actually so lets get off that subject.

“Just stop it,” I whisper. “I’m late for class again.”

Peyton made a growling sound, like he was angry that he had to pull away, but he did as I told him to. This time I moved away from him quickly instead of him moving away from me.

I hated being around him. I hated hearing his voice. I hated seeing him.

I just wanted him to stop it already!
♠ ♠ ♠
So I think we all can say Peyton is a freak :D
But if he wasn't a freak then this story wouldn't be able to go on
So just live with the weirdness for now?
It will all come together eventually!
