Status: Complete



I was surprised when the next week I went to school and Peyton ignored me. When I ran into him in the hall he’d just brush past me without sparing me a single look.It kind of hurt…

He didn’t try to force himself on me. He didn’t talk to me. He didn’t look at me. He didn’t even acknowledge my existence.Ok, it did hurt, a lot.

He was doing what he said he would do. He was leaving me alone just like I wanted him to…

So why is it that I feel so…bad?

Sighing, I shake my head and try to ignore those thoughts and feelings. I focused on the conversation I was having with Jeremy. He was going on about how he beat his high score on pinball.

I rolled my eyes at him before asking, “Why do you play that lame game?”

“It isn’t lame!” Jeremy gasped, his arms flying into the air wildly. “It is amazing!”

“All you do is hit a silver ball.”

Jeremy whines, “But it’s fun…you wouldn’t understand.”

I laugh at him but listen to him talk anyway. I really needed to be around my friends right now. They kept me from thinking about him. And right now I really don’t want to think about that no good for nothing bastard who needs to rot in hell.

Ok maybe that’s a little too mean…no, it isn’t. That isn’t mean at all!

I excused myself half way through lunch and moved out of the cafeteria. I went and did nature’s call before exiting the bathroom. As I did, I noticed an all too familiar face at the end of the hall. That familiar face was the boy who has been ignoring me for the past week.

A small part of me wanted to stomp over, punch him in the face, and ask him why, but then I realized that I was the one that told him to leave me alone. So I shrugged it off and maybe if I hadn’t have stared for so long I wouldn’t have witnessed it…

Most people would call this jealousy, but I’m not like most people. I do not believe, nor will I ever believe that this is jealousy because it most definitely isn’t.

I am not jealous.

My eye is not twitching because I saw Peyton flirting with somesluttish girl. Nope, am not and will never be jealous!

I just want to stranglethe bitch her because…her shirt is really low cut.Shouldn’t I enjoy that view?

Something inside me was boilinganger. My feet began to move, but I quickly pinched myself and chanted mentally, Do. Not. Kill. Do. Not. Kill.

I inhaled deeply through my nose before stomping into the cafeteria. Lets just say my friends didn’t talk to me in fear that I might explode on them for the rest of the day…

“Scout, are you…ok?” Jeremy squeaks from behind me, hiding behind a tree just in case I spun around and punched him in the face.

I grumbled profanities as I watched Peyton flirt with yet another slut. So, this was the catch…why that little bastard I should go over there and shove my foot so far up his ass it will come out his mouth!

Wait, why do I want to do that? I shouldn’t want to do that, because I do not care if he flirts with girls! He can go ahead and flirt all he wants because that means he’ll leave me alone. He can just go play with them and their aids infested vagina’s. I don’t give a damn!

Right? Right…Liar.

“Fine,” I finally answered Jeremy with a smile that made my words sound like lies.Which they were.

“Um…y-you d-don’t seem o-o-ok,” Jeremy whimpered.

My glare intensified and if anyone saw this they would probably say electricity were shooting out of my eye sockets. My fists clenched as I repeated myself, “Fine.”

“R-Right, you a-a-are fine! Perfect, f-fine…please d-don’t eat me.”

Most people would say that I was jealous. But why would they think that? I cannot and will not ever be jealous about Peyton. He’s just an asshole who doesn’t even deserve to be jealous over.

I’m just mad; because the asshole is getting a hold of pretty girls, pretty girls that I want to be with. Yeah, that sounds about right. That is exactly what it is, exactly…Denial.
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I just couldn't resist...
A jealous Scout...the temptation was just so much and why would I say no to something like this? :D

Comment&Subscribe?I got the next update written already :P