Sideshow Girl

Be Funny

"You're early," Scott commented as he let me into his apartment that day.

"Uh-huh," I nodded. "I went to Bik's so that he and Asbestos could help me with a trick I'm working on. We also went out for lunch, so I'm not hungry."

"Nice," Scott said. "How's the trick coming?"

"It's great. It's a really cool trick. I'm just nowhere near comfortable doing it yet. It involves a little bit of fire."

"Good thinking," Scott nodded. "Ask the fire manipulators to help with a fire trick."

"I didn't ask for help," I corrected him. "Bik asked if he could help."

"Ha. Well, that works too. Oh! Before I forget," he reached into his pocket, "I have a present for you."

"Yay!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands. "I love presents!" Scott pulled out a shiny silver key. "What's the key for?"

"The apartment," Scott said, pressing the key into my hand. "I'll write down the code you have to punch in at the entrance to get in, too. That way, you can get in without paging me."

"Thank you!" I squealed, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. He turned pink. "Aww, cute!"


"You're blushing, Scott." I winked at him. "It's adorable." Go ahead and call me a hypocrite for making fun of Scott blushing when I had blushed the weekend before because Bik made fun of me "liking" Scott. That was a mouthful. Perhaps we should see if I can say it all in one breath? Whatever. I don't like Scott. Or, I do. He's my best friend, of course I like him! But I don't have a crush. Even if he does have gorgeous eyes. I blame Bik for making me think about this!

Speaking of Bik, Scott asked me about my lunch trip. "How was it?" he asked. "Did you learn a lot?"

"I did," I said. "I learned exactly what not to do if I'm ever doing a fire eating act, not that I plan on it. Bik told me that every fire manipulator is one part scientist, one part entertainer, and one part bat shit crazy. I had a rod down my throat with a fire at the top. The guys put fuel in their mouths and blow enormous three-thousand-degree fireballs at one another's heads." Scott's eyes widened. "It's true, the fire really gets that hot when they make fireballs. Some scientist-dude used a fireproof thermometer and found that out."

"They are bat shit crazy," Scott commented. "I'm amazed that things like that are actually physically possible. Same with your sword swallowing. I don't understand how it works."

"If you did, you'd be scared of me," I said.

"I'm already scared of you," Scott joked, grinning. I pushed him over, onto the couch. "What was that for?"

"I gave you a good reason to be scared of me," I said. "I knocked you down." He reached up and pulled me on top of him. "And what was that for?"

"For knocking me down!" he laughed, hugging me to his chest. "We're gonna have fun until the first weekend in October, aren't we?"

"Scottie, m'boy," I said, carefully getting off of my best friend, "I believe we will."

I arrived at the festival the next day and strode confidently to the gypsie stage. I must have looked like a seasoned pro, now that I knew where I was going. Plus, I only tripped on the uneven ground twice. Go me!

Strangely enough, I had gotten to the festival before the guys. I started wondering where they were. I didn't have to wonder for long, though. They popped up not ten minutes after I got there, trailing a handsome dark-haired boy behind them. "Hi, Lou!" Asbestos said, waving as they approached the stage. I waved back. "We brought a friend of ours today." He gestured toward the boy. "His name's Voitto. His family moved here from Finland a couple of years ago. They live in the house next door to Bik's. Voitto is your age."

"Cool," I said, smiling. I gave Voitto a little wave. "Hi, Voitto. How are you?"

"I'm good," he said through a fairly thick accent. "Please, also call me Voti." I nodded. "Thanks."

"Voti's never been to the Renaissance Fest," Bik said. "Isn't that right?" Voti nodded, confirming Bik's statement. "I thought he needed to see it."

"Gonna bust his Renaissance cherry?" I asked.

"No," Bik said. "I'm gonna pin a c-note to his shirt and wish him the best of luck. You're going to take him around. We have more shows daily than you do. Besides, you owe me a favor."

"Okay," I said slowly. "We'll go after my first show today, since it's only about fifteen minutes after yours."

Voti and I watched the guys' first show of the day. "I see them practice all the time," Voti told me. "My room window faces Bik's backyard."

"They're fun to watch, huh?" I said. Voti agreed.

We were snapped out of our conversation when we heard our friends yell, "Sudden Death Challenge!" Oh boy, I thought. Please don't kill yourselves. They knelt on the stage and proceeded with the stunt. "Do you guys think running a tab at the burn unit makes us not normal?" Bik asked the audience. He got a few laughs. Bik lunged backward as Asbestos blew a huge fireball at his head. They're insane.

As soon as they finished their show and the crowd left, I started setting mine up. "Can I give you a suggestion?" Bik asked. He was helping me set up. I nodded. "You need some jokes. You're not funny." I raised an eyebrow. "I mean, the drumroll joke is cute. You're too serious all the time. Crack a little joke. Express your desire to not stab yourself in the face with a knife. At least that's something!"

"Okay, Bik," I said, laying my swords out on the table. "I'll try and be funnier."

"All right," he said, hugging me. "Good luck. Don't die."

I tried Bik's suggestion during my show. I even inserted cynical little comments and deadpan humor. And you know what? He was right! I got more laughs and louder applause. My tips nearly doubled. The man is a genius. "Do I get a share in those tips?" Bik joked as I was stuffing them into my corset. "I did help you."

"Here," I said, handing him a quarter. "I don't carry change." I had never heard Asbestos laugh so hard.

"Go away," Bik said. "And take Voitto with you. Go bust his Renaissance cherry."

"I'm gonna!" I said, sticking my tongue out and taking Voti's arm. "Let's go see Johnny, shall we?"
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Thanks NeverEndingNights, and JurassicJulie. for the comments!
I got a new web browser that works way better than Internet Explorer, so now Mibba works better. I can actually read my profile comments now!
The Sudden Death Challenge is really part of the Inflammables' show. You should definitely look them up.