Fading Black


Dark, fridged, hazy mornings greeted me everyday since birth. I waited at my doorstep until the sun had shifted to the other side of the sky. The heavens were now painted with pink, orange, and crimson. I smiled at the sight. My gleaming blue gown and rosy shall have been upon my body since the evening yesterday. I couldn't bear to take off the canvas waiting to be painted with memories of tonight. My hair in ringlets, and my face caked with unneeded makeup, I sat there awaiting the long black car to pull up my driveway and be greeted with my prince.

It had finally come, the black car and my charming prince in black. He stepped out of the car with such grace--poise, you couldn't hear a sound. The door slammed shut behind him as he walked towards me. I rose from my position, sitting on the porch bench. A painful cramp had erupted in my leg, though I could barely focus on the pain. All I saw before me was the beautiful, handsome 18 year old right before my eyes. His hair was the colour of a crows feathers, and his eyes were the colour of the sea. The way his fringe fell over his left eye was matchless. I stood in awe of his beauty, my mouth gaping open. He brought his rough guitar fingers to my chin, and gently pushed my mouth shut. His hand carressed my face, and he leaned in for a kiss, but I pushed away.

"My parents are right inside." He understood without a sound of displeasure. the palm that was resting on my face, fell to where it was now grasping my right hand. I held tight as we ran to the car and darkness enveloped us.

The drive was peaceful, I lay on his shoulder and my head fit perfectly into the crook of his neck. The tattoo of his heart so rhythmic almost sending me into a slumber. Though, there was still an annoyance among us which I could not control. The shooting pain in my leg would not fade. I could feel it in my thighs, my stomach, my chest. My whole body was pained. I never let go of him throughout the drive, fearing that he was the only thing keeping me from shouting profanities.

We arrived at our destination, Hutchbend High. The high school where I have spent 4 years of my life learning, and suffering. I couldn't help but hate this place, whenever someone spoke the name I cringed and would not listen to another word they said. There was no reason to dislike it to this degree, yet I was stubborn and would not give up on my idea of hating high school.

My date nudged me to get out of the car, I was careful not to shut the gown in the car door. As soon as my 2 feet touched the ground, I felt dizzy. My vision was blurred and I couldn't remember where I was. I leaned onto the car for balance, but the boy moved my hand away,

"This is rented. It needs to be clean when I return it." He said in a cold voice. I had no balance, I reached for his hand, he willingly accepted this gesture and I stumbled to the gymnasium, while he walked with grace. It looked as if a prince was walking with a peasant. We would get looks from people as they saw my drunken staggering. As we were passing the jungle gym, I felt my knees give out. It wasn't from the usual nervousness, I literally fell to the ground. My head hit the asphalt and my dress was stained with blackness. He let go of my hand and I saw the back of his suit begin to walk away.

"Wai-" I wailed. My body began to rise in pain and I began to sob. A million knives were stabbing at various parts of my body. The most intense I have ever felt it happen today. Tears leaked, and started flowing freely as I was ignored by every student that passed by looking at the crazy girl laying on the asphalt. I lay my head down, giving up on my date coming back to save me. The surprising thing was, that I don't even know his name. I was asked last minute, I was probably a rebound. I wonder how he felt, his heart ripped to shreds just as mine was now. Abandoned by his girlfriend, and I abandoned by my unknown date.

He smoked. He had tattoos. He had a long black fringe and bright blue eyes. He played guitar. He was in band. He rarely spoke.

Yet I didn't know the basic of his name.

The pain began to deepen and intensify. I cried out, hoping someone would hear my desperate calls for help. I saw a figure come through the dark shadows. I shivered on the ground. The person approached my face and said,

"I called 911." My date. He was here. He cared.

"What's........your.............name..?" I stuttered. My breath was quickened and I could barely speak. It was painful to refrain from screaming, but I did so to hear his answer.

I waited, he didn't respond.

"My name is the loner, the boy in the corner, the bad kid, the band geek, the quiet one." His list went on and on. I could barely hear him over the throbbing of my body. It accompanied the beating of my heart. He looked down at me, a pinch of sadness lurking in his eyes.

"But no one knows me as Adam."

"I do." I said, until his face started to fade away. A twinkle in his eye. Darkness engulfed me, until all I saw was blackness, and all I heard was the last beat of my heart.