Status: Active

Before We Go Down

That I Care

The rain was thundering down just as hard when I woke up the next morning. I felt Kate's head against my chest, and I ran my fingers through her hair as I stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at her sleeping body. I felt so happy and so smitten by her that I couldn't believe it. Love wasn't supposed to happen this fast. Especially to me.

Lightning and thunder cracked through the sky, and Kate woke up suddenly, jumping up in surprise. Her hair was sticking up, and she looked so cute. It took her a second to realize where she was. When she realized it, she smiled and looked at me, biting her lip a little.

"Hey," She said quietly.

"Morning hun," I said to her, trying to smooth her hair down a little. She blushed and pulled my blanket over her naked body. I gave her a once over before rubbing my hand over her arm.

"Carter?" She asked me.

"Actually, my first name is Warren. Don't get freaked out. My middle name is Carter, and all my friends call me that. I don't know why I just told you that," I blurted out, not knowing why. She just shrugged.


"Yes madam?" I said to her as she inched forward and pressed her lips to mine.

"Was this just a one night thing?" She asked. I opened my mouth to answer when someone began knocking on the door.

"Carter! Everything is flooding!" Chris yelled through the door.

"Yeah right, very funny Chris. Go draw on some more walls,"

"I'm not kidding! The river flooded over and now we have to evacuate," He yelled.

My heart dropped to the floor.