Status: Active

Before We Go Down

All These Words

I looked at her and nodded. I handed her the backpack with the food in it as I lifted the yellow bag over my shoulder. She handed me a yellow poncho, and I put it over my head as the rain seemed to beat even harder down on the roof. We met Chris out on the balcony where he was pushing our patio furniture over to the wall nearest the rain gutter. The water level was rising, but I figured it was going to stop soon. I began helping Chris push the furniture over for us to climb up when another crack of lightning went through the sky.

"Uh, Carter?" I heard Kate say suddenly. I turned around and saw the water begin to rise over the ledge of the balcony and onto the balcony floor. Kate began backing up towards us, and I immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the table placed against the wall.

"You go first. I'll be here to catch you if you fall," I said to her. She looked worried, and Chris tapped her on the shoulder before pointing up to the roof.

"Watch me," he said as he swiftly jumped on the table, not even using the chair to help him. There was about a two feet gap between the end of the balcony and the gutter. He went to the edge of the table and pulled out the umbrella from the middle. He shoved one end between the gutter and the brick wall and made sure the other side was secure on the table. He quickly walked across the pole for a few seconds before grabbing onto the gutter. He hoisted himself up until he was able to hold onto the window ledge next to it. He held out a hand for Kate to follow him.

Kate looked at me worriedly before placing a kiss on my lips and jumping onto the table. She used the brick wall to guide her as she shimmied onto the pole and began going across to Chris and his open hand.

She held the gutter with one hand, and she was about to grab Chris' hand when her foot slipped and she almost fell backwards. She shrieked as she regained her footing and held onto the gutter for dear life.

"You're fine Kate," Chris said as she took a deep breath and began climbing up to the roof after Chris. As soon as she got up safely, I jumped on the table and went across to the gutter. I didn't think it would hold my weight, so I used the windows as support as I tried to get up to the roof as quickly as I could. The lightning and thunder ceased as the three of us stood there, dripping wet, looking at what had happened to our beloved town.

The river must have flooded over, as the whole town was completely engulfed in water. There was no sign of any human life around as we watched the water climb higher and higher. Our patio furniture began to float away as the water continued to get higher.

I grabbed the yellow bag and ripped it open. Pressing one button, air began to fill the yellow bag and it transformed into a blow up mini boat. It looked like a row boat, and I realized I left the oars back in the attic. Shit.

The other two looked at me and smiled at our luck of having a boat of some kind that could help us. They opened up the umbrellas as the three of us just stared at everything around us. No one knew what to say in this situation. What could you say, when your life has just completely changed in front of your eyes? We were silent for a little while before Chris cleared his throat.

"What do we do now?"