This Is Becoming a Catastrophe

This Is Becoming A Catastrophe Ch.8

I went into their bathroom and my reflection almost scared me. I did look like hell. I washed my face and fixed my hair while I heard Colby and Kyle talking to Alisha and Derek. It sounded like they wanted them to get here as soon as possible. I hurried through fixing my hair and checked myself over once more before going out into the living room again, where Kyle was on one side of the couch, Colby on the other, Colby looking really depressed. I sat on the middle cushion and Colby smiled at me, but it never reached his eyes. I gave him a crooked smile and we waited in the most awkward silence ever. Derek was the first one to get to Kyle’s. I got up and hugged him, giving him a small kiss, sitting with him on the floor. Alisha arrived a little bit after Derek.
Alisha looked confused. “Derek?”
I looked at Derek: he was wide eyed. “Alisha..”
“How do you two know each other..?” I asked slowly, kind of dreading the answer, if it was the one I was thinking. “Is she your ex?”
Alisha coughed out a short laugh. “Ex? I thought he was your ex?”
I looked at Derek, getting pissed. “You didn’t break up with her?”
“No, it should be you didn’t break up with him.” Alisha said, also sounding pissed.
“No, just hear me out...” Derek tried explaining himself.
“No, there’s nothing to hear.” I said, getting off the floor.
“You were playing us the whole time.” Alisha said.
“No, it’s not like that at all.”
“Bullshit!” Kyle, Colby, and I said.
“Get out of my house, you’re disgusting.” Kyle said.
“Kyle, you can’t talk. Not at all.” Derek said.
“Why can’t he talk?” Colby asked, giving Derek a sidelong look.
My jaw dropped. “Kyle, you didn’t..”
Colby gasped, covering his mouth.
Derek just smirked in return.
“Okay, it was once, and I was drunk.” Kyle said, directing his statement more towards Colby than anyone. Colby was the only person that mattered in this situation.
All Colby did was shake his head. “No, Kyle. I’ve forgiven you, twice. You’ve lost your chances. It’s over.” He said in the most serious, scary, sad, depressed voice I’ve ever heard him use, and his face reflected it. “If you can’t keep it within our relationship, then what’s the point of a relationship at all?”
I glared at Kyle, who looked all-around defeated, as he damn well should.
“Caleb, you’re not innocent either.” Kyle argued.
“Yeah, that doesn’t really matter though, since my I thought boyfriend wasn’t the most loyal person ever. This is just a whole fucking mess.” I fell onto the couch. Colby looked like he was either about to break down or punch someone in the face. The first is more probable, he’s not a very violent person. He got up off the couch and went outside. I automatically followed to make sure he was okay and wasn’t gonna do anything drastic.
We both sat down on the porch. Colby still had that sad look on his face, and I put my arm around him.
“Why did this have to happen.” Colby asked in a small voice, looking at the ground.
“I’m sorry.” I said, tears forming again even though I thought I couldn’t cry anymore after the incident in the kitchen.
Colby shook his head. “Not you. You’re not to blame. It’s all me. I knew I shouldn’t have taken him back, because if he did it again it would hurt twice as much, and it does. It hurts so much...” He sucked in sharply, resting his head on my chest as I hugged him. “I just love him so much, I doubt he even notices.” Colby wiped his eyes and leaned away from me, resting his elbows on his knees. “He was probably off..fucking some other guy, not even thinking or caring about me or how I’d feel once I found out.” He ranted, getting more angry about it.
“You couldn’t help it, Colby, you were in love with him, and you trusted him, I guess a little too much. He deceived you about everything. I’m sorry to be saying all this, but it’s the truth, and I feel disgusting for being a part of the deceiving.”
“I know, but like I told you, it was better you than some random guy. Derek...Derek pushed me over the edge. We didn’t know him that well, he had no right to be doing that, or any of this, for that matter. Sure, Derek was hot as fuck, but that doesn’t mean I’d go behind Kyle’s back and do him...” Colby rambled. He looked like he wasn’t done crying yet, but he didn’t want to cry again.
“What did I do to deserve any of this? I mean, Kyle and I stayed strong for two years. That’s longer than anyone I know, well, besides you and Alisha. I don’t know why it all started fucking itself up now...”
“It’s my fault.” I said sheepishly.
“Caleb, how many times..”
“No, Colby, just...hear me out, alright? It is my fault that all this started. The night that Derek and I started, I guess, ‘dating’, and when Kyle and I were talking out on the porch and you were in the house, he admitted that he’d been attracted to me before I felt the way I do around guys. I guess when he found out that I ‘like’ guys, he wanted to let all his ‘suppressed emotion’ out, and it just kinda increased. I feel like a piece of shit for doing that to you and basically going along with Kyle’s shit. I hurt you, and I promised I wouldn’t.” I said, not wanting to look him in the eye.
It was silent between us until Colby spoke up. “You know, if you really think about this whole situation, Derek started it all. He met you, then he met Kyle. If you guys would’ve never met, none of this would’ve happened.”
“No, it still leads back to me going to the bar.” I said, slightly monotonous.
“Well who led you to go to the bar? Alisha.” Colby said, trying every excuse out there for me not to blame it on myself.
“Well none of this would’ve happened if I could just have the power to say no. I always give in. Always. It’s so fucking annoying.”
“You wouldn’t have had anything to give in to if Alisha wouldn’t have been cheating on you in the first place.”
“And I feel like that was the biggest mistake of my life.” Alisha said behind us.
We both turned to look at her, and she had a sincere look on her face.
“What are you saying, Alisha?” I asked.
“I’m saying that it was stupid of me to leave you. I’ve missed you since I ended it, and I think we should start over on a clean slate.” She sounded uneasy, like she did on the phone, but her facial expression said that she wasn’t lying, and I could tell when she was lying. She could never look the person in the eye that she was lying to. Now, she was staring into my eyes, and I couldn’t look away.
“I..I don’t know, Alisha.” I said, tearing away from her gaze to look at Colby. I gave him a look that asked him what I should do. He looked at Alisha, then back at me, smiling a little, nodding.
I sighed and looked at Alisha again. “Are you sure?”
She nodded. “Positive.”