Status: Active

Skin and Bones

A Walk

I slung my bag over my shoulder as I headed out of the classroom and into the crowded hallway. Everyone was headed for the door, excited for spring break. I was trying to push against the crowd to get to my locker. I finally got there to grab my last few books as my best friend Larzz came up to me and shut my locker.

"We're done!" He exclaimed, pumping his fists in the air before pushing his hair out of his face. I smiled at him as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. I realized that it was my friend Lisa as she peeked her head out from beside Larzz.

"It's lake house time!" Lisa said before they kissed.

"Come on lovebirds, let's go or we'll be late for the movie," I said as the three of us walked out to the parking lot. We all piled into Larzz's jeep as he tried to maneuver around all the cars trying to speed out of the parking lot and into freedom.

"Can you believe the time is finally here! It's gonna be amazing! Bonfires and boat parties and jet-skiing for ten days. Pure heaven," Lisa said from the passenger seat as she entwined one of her hands with one of Larzz's.

"I'm really happy my parents are letting me go. I can not wait to get away from here and have some relaxation," I said leaning back in my seat.

"And meet cute guys," Lisa added

"Hey!" Larzz said as Lisa laughed.

"I meant for Kate. She needs someone," Lisa said looking at me.

"I don't need a guy. A guy would be pretty nice though,"

"Larzz has some single friends he can hook you up with,"

"I know Larzz's friends...and some of them are just crazy. No offense Larzz," I said looking out the window. I really wanted to find a guy, seeing as how happy Larzz and Lisa are ninety percent of the time.

"Now I know this one guy who I think you might like. He's coming up to the lake house with us," Larzz said

"Hey I thought it was just the three of us because your mom was nervous about too many people in the house," I said referring to Larzz's mom who was really nice but very cautious. I heard that lake house was her baby, but she wanted to give Larzz freedom so she thought it was safe enough to let him invite a few people up to the lake house.

"She is. I explained to her about how I thought you might feel like a third wheel so she felt guilty and let me bring someone else,"

"Now I feel guilty and I didn't even do anything," I exclaimed, "I don't feel like a third wheel...unless you two are making out. That's just awkward though." The two laughed and I smiled, thinking about who this guy could possibly be.

We pulled into the movie theater parking lot, and the three of us got out and headed towards the doors. I went to grab my purse, but I realized that I had left it in my bag in the car.

"Oh I forgot my purse! Keys?" I said as Larzz threw me the keys to his car. Lisa and Larzz went inside as I backtracked to the car. I unlocked the car and grabbed my purse before locking the car once more.

I went up onto the sidewalk to walk to the theater when I saw someone walking by me. His brown hair had been straightened, and he seemed to have a lot of it. He was wearing a thin t-shirt so I noticed how skinny he was. As he walked past, I looked at him. I realized he was looking right back at me. He was checking me out. I looked him once over before smiling and continuing into the theater.

He was definitely attractive. I shook my head, thinking that there was no way he was single or even interested in a relationship.

I caught up to Larzz and Lisa and we all got our tickets before we headed into the theater, where I tried to ignore the fact my mind kept going back to him.