The World Is Ugly, but Your Beautiful To Me.

The World Is Ugly.

"I saw a spider, I didn't scream. 'Cause I can belch the alphabet, Just double dog dare me. And I chose guitar over ballet And I tape these suckers down. 'Cause they just got in my way." I sang at the singing contest held by my school. My hair straightened at the front, spiked up in the back with red streaks down the side. I wore tight black pants with holes down the legs and a white and black striped tank top with a black leather jacket over it.

I was undoubtedly singing, "One of the boys" by Katy Perry. I looked out into the audience, kids nodding there heads as I bit my lip and head banged a little. It wasn't really like Katy's version of her song, I gave it a huge twist. I gave it rocking back ground music and I sung and screamed different parts of the song. All the punk kids started headbanging with me and some even screamed with me. I smiled and then looked over and saw five boys that I wish I could know. They staye in a group, refusing to talk to anyone but themselves. I was mainly fascinated with the one that led the ground, or seemed to lead the group, Gerard Way. He had shaggy black hair, hazel eyes, and he was dark, mysterious and cunning.

"So I dont wanna be one of the boys, one of your guys, Just give me a chance to prove you tonight, That I just wanna be one of the girls, pretty in pearls," I stretched out the word pearls as I went to the last line and screamed, "Not one of the boys!" I fell to my knees, continuing screaming, wondering what those fives guys thought right now.

I got all the way through the song and then spoke the last two lines, "Don't Wanna Be......" I looked over at those guys and saw they all had smirks on their faces. I swallowed and turned, leaving the stage and walking into the crowd. People around me swarmed, picked me up and started carrying me over top the people. "MOSH PIT!" I screamed, so happy. I got the end of the people and they jokingly tossed me on the ground, in front of those five guys.

"Hey," I giggled at the people that threw me and I got up, dusting off my pants as I turned around, face to face with Gerard.

"That was a nice show." he smirked and then walked away. I blushed and walked away myself.

Later that night when I got home I ran straight up to the bathroom and tore my clothes off. My pants had been super tight just like the shirt. I breathed in, feeling better as I turned on the hot shower and stepped in. The hot water pricked my skin like needles. I grabbed the shampoo and started running it through my hair to get the gel out.

I got out about an hour later and put on batman pajamas and a USED shirt. I walked into my room and took a seat on the bed. I was so tired. I grabbed my remote and turned on the TV and then the radio to Thinking of You. I yawned and fell back in my bed, falling a sleep quickly.

BEEP BEEP! I shot up and hit my alarm clock. Another Day. "Grr." I grunted, getting up not wanting to go to school.
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So.. I have FINISHED "Safe and Sound" I have written it all in my journal so I can post whenever. So now that I am not working on anything.... I'm starting a new story that way I'll have something to work on, ^^.
