Status: pt1 of 3

The Note

The Retrieval Attempt

That night instead of moping and stupidly considering suicide I devised a plan, a plan that could be risky but life saving.

It was Saturday and the time for carrying out my somewhat scheme. I pulled on a black thermal and a pair of jeans along with my worn out chucks that seemed to get me anywhere and everywhere I needed to go. I set out with my backpack in tow at 7:00. The streets were empty of any passersby that might witness the crime I was about to pull out of sheer embarrassment. I stepped quietly into the woods starting off with a walk that morphed into a steady sprint through the thicket beginning to turn with Autumn colors. As I reached the edge of the small forest his house appeared, it was large and prestigious with beautiful iron gates wrapped around its Vatican/Renaissance appearance. I saw no motion sensors as I climbed one of the walls fortressing the castle of a house. My feet hit the soft untouched green grass and I was off. Behind corner after corner I crept up and into the driveway. All of the cars were gone from their designated spots, that was good. I moved in and up through the back of the house in search of a back door and clear as day I found one. Gently nudging my bobby pin into the lock the door swung inward leading me in.

In a way it felt wrong like I was breaking & entering but honestly I was only taking what was mine in the first place. I stumbled in on their kitchen. Sunlight flooded in through the windows and onto the hard wood floors lighting the room in a natural and angelic glow, as I looked around the wood covered kitchen my stomach began to growl angrily and profusely and as my eyes continued wondering franticly the stainless steel refrigerator came into view.” couldn’t hurt“ I said to my self as I opened the fridge. There was hardly any food left, only a choice between spaghetti, chow-mien and a half eaten burger. I frowned then pulled the refrigerator shut displeased at my scarce findings. I moved through from room to room looking at the many family pictures hung upon the walls. There was a family portrait there of Tyler, his mother and his father, they looked genially happy as they sat together on the bank of a gushing river, he looked to be only twelve or thirteen at that time.

I made my way quietly down the hallway watching my steps as I took hold of the knob of the first room on the second floor swinging it in gradually. Stepping in I saw what appeared to be his parents room. There was a dresser pushed back against the right wall next to a bathroom and a large bed pushed back facing anyone who was to enter. The bed looked rather lumpy and uncomfortable so with that I pulled at the door backing out into the hallway as it squeaked shut. I went to the next room, the guest room and finally after going from door to door I found Tyler’s room. I squeezed the gilded knob lightly in my palm turning it slowly and walking in. His room was nothing like I had pictured, it was casual with a light grey, white and navy blue scheme it gave off an essence of comfort. It didn’t take long to find what I was looking for. His bag was propped up against his wooden nightstand. I pulled it onto the bed sitting down carefully as I tugged on the noncompliant zipper. His bed was soft, unlike his parents rough and uncomfortable bed and the guest rooms well cushioned and enveloping one. His was just right.

I rifled through paper after paper and as the tips of my fingers hit the bottom I had located the note. I pulled it out swiftly raising it to eye level. Now I just needed to get out and make sure there was absolutely no trace of my presence. I stood up and a weak feeling came over me. A smell that grew progressively stronger since I had entered the house overpowered me forcing me back onto the bed. My vision started to blur and fade in and out as I saw what the source of the stench was. A large canister giving of cloudy spray every other minute sat under the oak desk by the window. I read the large white words across the can slowly as I fell back into the pillows. Fumigation, Extremely toxic. All realization hit me like a brick wall as everything went black and the note crumbled and twisted in my clutched hand.
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Breaking and entering to retrieve a personal possesion. Illegal or not?