Status: just starting out and waiting for more responses

Let the Right One In

This is my territory.Take this as a warning!

Caitlyn walked all the way to school not showing any signs of pain but on the inside she was holding in her screams.Every muscle in her body wanted to just give out from under her but shecould would not let that happen. She had almost another half an hour left before her second period began for she had taken a study hall for her first block and they do not take attendance so she had sat under her tree in the courtyard of the school. She decided to give her muscles a little break and take some much needed sleep for she got no real sleep last night.

She closed her eyes for what felt like a second but was really 20 minutes and was awoken rudely by yelling that sounded so near to her. Usually she’s used to the yells from her home life but not in school everyone knows not to disturb her or to come near her tree. She was sort of the schools most feared person and who ever didn’t know that was in for a rude awakening.

“…. I’m telling you my mom’s new boyfriend is so damn gullible he believes all my lies but at least he treats my mom nicely…” a gruff voice said as his friends laughed. She stuck her foot out and tripped him from behind making him fall flat on his ass and his friends laugh harder.

“shut the fuck up “ she growled dangerously low to them; three out of the four listened and she stepped up to the one still laughing , kicking the one that tripped back down to the ground in the process.

“did I stutter? I said to shut the fuck up. Who do you guys think you are disturbing me?” she asked getting in his face. He was about six foot three, skinny as a twig with muscle but that was not to make her back down.

“well I’m jimmy, that’s Zack-” he tried to continue but she held him by the throat. His one friend pleaded for me to let him go and that’s when she realized that they were all new.

“Let me make myself clear so this doesn’t have to happen again. I do not give a flying fuck who you are. And you better stay the fuck away from my spot and leave me the hell alone. Got it?” she asked looking around to them all who had blank faces except for the one who she was holding which he was starting to turn purple.

“I said do you got it?” she screamed hurting her throat in the process. They slowly shook their heads up and down and she slowly released their tall lanky friend; him gasping for air.

“Take that as a warning” she mumbled walking away as the bell rang for her to go to her physics class.
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soo my second update of the day.....
i am really trying to get back into the swing of writting...
let me know what you think. and i dunno if im going to switch g/fs up for the boys or not
so let me take a poll who thinks i should keep the same b/fs for them or if i should make some up?