Status: just starting out and waiting for more responses

Let the Right One In

There Has to be a Reason

Caitlyn stared straight ahead and paid attention to everything the teacher of her pre-calc teacher had been lecturing on. Sure it may have been boring but Caitlyn had to try her best to learn everything she could and get a great grade in the class. She also did it to not focus on the pain that was radiating throughout her body. She was like that in every class, not to be at the top of her class but to get the grades for scholarships in order to get out of her hell and far away from her parents. Caitlyn was hoping to graduate early but the school had said it required parental permission and she knew that would never happen so she stuck through all 4 years and did her best to get straight A’s.

When bell rang throughout the school causing everyone to pack up quickly, Caitlyn took her sweet old time considering her next period was lunch and she never went there but out to her tree. Her body ached but she still kept the same old tough girl stance, and face. She walked out into the hallways filled with kids who dodged out of her way and made her way to her spot outside. Every boy and girl in this school knew not to go anywhere near her spot because she was the most feared in school.

She sat underneath the tree with her back resting on it and knees pulled up to her chest and hood pulled over her head. She was burning up in the sweatshirt but she didn’t want anyone to see her discolored skin.

Caitlyn scrunched her face up in pain and let silent tears flow from her eyes. This was the only time she would cry at school because she knew she would be alone and she always made sure to hide her face.

-------------------------The guys POV-------------------------

“Yeah I mean she totally beat jims ass today!” Brian laughed as he and the rest of the boys walked out of the lunchroom doors.

“Wait it was a girl?” Johnny piped up and asked.

“Yeah, why?” Zacky shot Johnny a glance as they walked forward to the trees they were going to sit at for lunch.

“Well there’s only one girl I know that would do that and its Caitlyn. You guys should steer clear of her” Johnny mumbled while all the guys laughed at Johnny being afraid of a girl.

“No, no I’m serious she is the schools bully and everyone just leaves her alone.” Johnny said as he walked to the picnic table and sat down. The rest of the guys joining them.

“well why does she beat people up?” Zacky asked. Johnny shrugged and took a bite of his sandwich.

“there has to be a reason Johnny ” jimmy suggested as he sat and wondered what that reason could be. Johnny sighed and swallowed the piece of sandwich that was in his mouth.

“No one knows Jim, from what I heard she used to be the sweetest girl in her grade but come her freshman year she started to change and push every one out of her life” Johnny said as he turned to go into a conversation Brian and matt were having.

Jimmy was still confused as to why she suddenly changed like that as Johnny had heard. Jimmy shifted in his seat a little bit and glanced a little away in the distance. There she was huddled up against the tree her head on her knees, when she shifted a little bit it looked like her face was wet. Was she crying? Jimmy wondered and the rest of lunch he sat there staring at her. He wanted to know the reason she was crying and bullying everyone around.
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so yeah its kinda short but im getting back to writting after balancing my college and my 2 jobs. so bare with em til i get back into the swing of things.... hopefully i can write more tonight .
commetns are appreciated :)