Status: just starting out and waiting for more responses

Let the Right One In

There is something fishy going on around here

Caitlyn slowly trudged home after her day at school. As she neared her home she had seen a car in her driveway she didn’t recognize. As she walked up the driveway she was still confused on whose car it was because it wasn’t her mothers or fathers. They had two beat up cars, one an old ford truck and the other an old ford focus. This car was much more expensive it was a new black escalade. After studying the car on her way into the house she heard a soft voice coming from inside her house. Caitlyn knew it wasn’t her mother’s due to the fact her mother could never be quiet nor use such a soft loving voice.

As Caitlyn walked into her house, she was met with her father and another woman. They were sitting on the couch with their backs toward her but that other woman was definitely not her mother. Caitlyn remained silent and walked forward as quietly as she could but it didn’t go unnoticed by the woman with her father.

“Why hello there ” the woman kindly said toward Caitlyn which made her stop in her tracks. Caitlyn straightened up and tried to put a forced smile on her face and shifted her hair in her hood so she could look at the woman without her noticing her bruises.

“Hello” Caitlyn squeaked out just loud enough to be heard.

“I’m Kim” the woman spoke out with big smile on her face as she got up to come greet Caitlyn. Caitlyn’s father was right behind her getting up off the couch his facial expression was extremely forced and looked evil. As the woman approached she stuck her hand out which meant she wanted to know Caitlyn’s name.

“I’m Caitlyn, Vincent’s-“ Caitlyn began to speak but was caught off by her father who had given her a small glare.

“Caitlyn is my niece she and my sister Anne are staying here until they can get back up on their feet” Vincent spoke with a forced tone that said for Caitlyn to shut up but without actually saying it. There was something fishy going on with her father Caitlyn thought because she as sure is not his niece.

“Oh well how nice of you Vince that really means a lot that you would take in your family without hesitation” Kim gushed and turned to Vincent which was the queue for Caitlyn to take her leave and go to her room upstairs. As soon as she shut the door she collapsed onto the floor in a big pile. She was a exhausted and in a ton of pain. Caitlyn pulled out her bottle of extra strength Tylenol took two and then a sleeping pill. All she wanted to do was sleep her pain away at least for a little while.
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Hey im so sorry its short!
Im also very sorry that its very long overdue!
I've been so busy with school and work.
hopefully i can start writting more!
please comment so i know people are still reading :/