Status: Complete.




Four weeks. The project was due in four weeks, I had to ‘study’ with Logan for four whole weeks, and it’s going to be a nightmare.

I sighed; it was Friday, the last day of school before the weekend that alone would have cheered me up, but as it is, I have planned to go over Logan’s in the morning, I didn’t want the fag anywhere near my house, hopefully getting the project at least half way done, and that put a damper on the weekend.

“Dude, this week’s been weird, I can’t wait for the weekend!” Alex said, on our way to the cafeteria, the morning was dull,much like any morning without Logan. I was about to protest, I was dreading the weekend, spending the morning with Logan, I shuddered involuntarily.

“Hm,” was my all time intelligent answer.

“What’s up? Man, you’ve seemed down since your punch-up with Logan,” Alex seemed genuinely worried about me.

“Dude, I lost my best friend, found out he was gay, got in a punch-up with him, now have to do a science project with him, I'm a bit out of it,” I hissed. I didn’t mean for my answer to come out quiet so bitchy, I was just in a bad mood.

Walking in the cafeteria a few things registered in my mind at the same time; one, Katie was smiling seductively at me, second, Rylee, the fag, had Logan in his arms, I thought briefly about what could be wrong before deciding I didn’t care, well, I thought I didn’t care until they saw me enter, Rylee’s hold tightened around Logan making me think that I was the reason, I was about to go over and ask when I realized that I really didn’t care. It was at that precise moment that I saw Rylee lean down and, without taking his eyes off me, kiss Logan’s forehead.

My vision was tainted red as I watched the scene progress, Logan lent into Rylee’s touch and I don’t know why that bothered me so much, but it did.


I hated not being able to just go up there and rip the faggot of my best friend, but as it is I can’t do that because a small voice is telling me that I don’t want to. After all what is he? A filthy faggot.

So instead of taking direct method, I took the indecisive way.

Walking slowly towards Katie, I made sure I walked as close to Logan as I would allow still not wanting to be near the fag. When he looked up I knew I’d done it, id caught his attention, now let’s hope he doesn’t look away.

I was about 2 meters away from Katie now and when she noticed that I was walking towards her she jumped up, walking closer to meet me in the middle of her table and Logan’s.
The glint in her eye told me she knew what I was about to do, apparently guys throwing themselves in common enough for her, and her hands were around me before I got a chance to do anything.

Her lips warm against my before I could react, though I did react, kiss her back wildly, she seemed to like this, she grabbed my wrist with her free hand, pulling it up and around her waist, pulling me against her small frame. I heard a few shocked gasps but a smirked evilly when I heard the words ‘calm down Logan’ escape Rylee’s mouth. Katie had done her part.

Though something told me this felt terribly wrong, I wondered briefly why? Was it because she’s a skank? Was it because half the schools population had gotten into bed with her? Or was it something else? Something like the anger I felt when watching Rylee kiss Logan, my Logan, he’s my best friend, well was. And didn’t Rylee have Brent to kiss and be all faggots with? Was Logan using him to make me jealous? Was it working?

I pulled back slightly, hugged Katie, kissed her lightly then moved out of her arms. I turned to walk away, before I could get more than 10 feet Katie yelled out;

“Call me!”

“Defiantly,” I replied turning to face her smiling before turning back towards Logan.

I could see tears in the poor boys eyes; it took everything in me not to run over and try to comfort him.

I smirked; barely acknowledging the voice in my mind telling me I’d just made the biggest mistake of my life. It was very likely true.

I was almost to the door when I heard it, almost outside when I heard Jaiden yelling at me.

“Hey, Jackass!” I knew instantly it was me he was addressing, Jaiden wasn’t the violent type, much like Logan although lately something’s been setting up the quiet kids. Must be the water.

“What?” I hissed back, stepping up to him, towering over him by about 3 inches.

“What do you mean ‘What?’? What was that back there? I now for a fact that you don’t like her so don’t give me all those bullshit excuses,” He hissed, obviously pissed.

“Did Logan tell you everything? Did he tell you every little detail about when he confessed his faggot ways to me?” I asked, I’d kept this a secret long enough and I knew Jaiden wouldn’t go tell everyone.

“Yes, He told me that he said ‘You’re my best friend and you always will be, right?’ then you said yes or something and he told you he said, ‘well I’m gay, I have been for a while now’ then you got all freaked calling him a filthy faggot,” He said in the way that clearly didn’t see were this was going.

“That’s bullshit, he didn’t say any of that, okay he said the first part but the bullshit about say ‘I'm gay, have been for a while’ that’s bull, he said, “I want you to know that I love you,’ at first I thought it was just friendly love but no he had to go all, ‘No I mean I have more than friendly feeling for you’ Dude he’s in love with me,” I said I knew I started rambling but you seriously don’t know how difficult it is to admit that you ex-best friend is in love with you to your, close friend.

“What?” he asked shocked.

“That’s why I got pissed at him, he was all over that Rylee kid,” I hissed at him, he didn’t get it, his face furrowed into a mask of confusion.

“Um…” I waited for him to catch on, “So what are you jealous because you think Logan wants Rylee now? Because do if you ever wanted Logan you have a stupid way of showing it,” He said understanding crossing his face before confusion after seeing my aggravated expression.

“No I'm not jealous you moron, but I think there trying to make me jealous, you I made out with Katie to tell him I didn’t want him,” my logic is messed up. But at least Jaiden knew the whole story now.

“Ahh, hate to burst your bubble, but not everything they do is scheme about how to get back at you, Rylee and Logan are [i[friends, Rylee’s got Brent,” Jaiden roll his eyes.

“Whatever, I’m going to class.”

After that I walked towards class thinking about what Jaiden said, What if they weren’t trying to make me jealous? What if I just made a big mistake?

I sighed entering the classroom to science just as the bell sounded.

Entering first, I sighed, this should be interesting.
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