Status: Complete.




The day I had been dreading since Science on Thursday, since me and Logan made the agreement that I would be at his house by 10.

And I was, I was currently sitting outside Logan’s house, I didn’t know if I should go in, I was expecting the usual white Kia and the Black Mustang, His mums car and his dads, but there was a different car in his drive way now, a car that looks expensive, does he have visitors? Did he forget about our plans?

That fact should have made me happy, the chance to go home and do my thing away from the little fag. But it actually made me sad and mad at the same time, he’s never, not once forgotten about our plans, never, he’s always been there, even when it was 6 am in the morning waiting for concert tickets.

He’s never bailed, so why now?

I decided that I better go in, what if it’s a friend of his parents, and then I’d look like such a fool.
I was about two feet away from the door, intent on knocking harshly, when the door its self was flung open, standing just inside the door way was something I didn’t want to see, Brandon the drug dealer Brandon, was standing there, next to Logan, his hair all ruffled like they’d just rolled down a hill,sex hair.

I gasped involuntarily, causing both their heads to turn in my direction.

“Oh shit, that was today wasn’t it,” Logan yelled slightly shocked and slightly embarrassed the scarlet tint to his cheeks proved it. His wide eyes were rimmed in red, bloodshot and tired.

“Ah, yeah well I'm gonna go now,” Brandon said, awkwardly, walking out the door, circling me as not to get to close.

“What the hell?!” I hissed, when the boy had climbed into his car, the expensive one.

“We didn’t do anything! And even if we did why would you care? You had your chance,” He said, smirking, turning and walking inside, leaving the door open, wanting me to follow.

I followed the half naked boy, clad in plaid boxers and a plain white button down, opened revealing his chest, I followed him through his maze of a house towards his room.

Before we got there though he took a detour, walking towards the kitchen, were I could hear his mother whistling, the smell of cookies in the air.

“Mum, Damien’s here were going to study, are you making cookies?” He asked suddenly, causing the startled woman to gasp and spin around, fury in her eyes.

“Okay, dear, but may I ask why he’s here? Didn’t he hurt you, sweetie,” Earnest in her eyes as she looked at her son.

“Mr. McLaren paired us together on our science project, I told him I didn’t want to get stuck with him,” He spat out the word him, sending a glare my way.

“Well, okay, just please no more fighting, and you Damien…” she seethed, I knew without her saying a word that she didn’t forgive me at all for what happened between Logan and I.

I nodded meekly, dropping my head.

“Okay, were outta here,” Logan said, interrupting the stern gaze I was receiving from his mother.

“Have fun, Logan, dear; do you want me to bring some cookies up to you, when there done?” She asked sweetly.

“No thanks.”

I then followed Logan up towards his room, I knew were to go, I’d been there a million times, but I felt the need the follow silently behind him.

“So…ahh…you and Brandon?” I asked, my voice coming out in a strangled mess, Logan noticed and looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, what's it to you?” His acidic voice made me shiver.

“Just wonderin’,” I admitted blankly, when actually I was pissed, how can someone so emotional move on so fast?

The answer was obvious, I didn’t like him, and he found someone who did.

“Whatever,” Logan groaned; opening his bedroom door he fell onto the bed before pointing to a desk chair for me to sit on.

“You don’t mind me getting dressed do you, or am I to much of a fag now?” He asked incredulous, It’s true I had watched him undress and dress before he admitted that he was gay.

“Doesn’t bother me, just don’t try to rape me,” I hissed back, I didn’t even realize until I said the words that they’d hurt him, I watched him wince before saying something I’d never expected
from him.

“Now why would I do that when I have a perfectly willing guy already?” he shot back, pulling his shirt off completely, I watched enthralled as he pulled on an All Time Low band tee before pulling some blue skinny jeans over top of his boxers.

“Hm,” Was my only response.

“Whatever, let’s just get this stupid project over and done with,” He insisted angrily. I was surprised, that had been the longest conversation we had had all week.
That’s when it snapped back into routine, not talking unless very important. Only glancing if it was something about the project, although I did steal a couple extra glances, he was always chewing the end of his pen, think hard about the project.

After about 3 hours trapped in that room, I used the excuse, I had somewhere to be, and left the house as quickly as I could, racing to my car and speeding off.

That night I went to bed with questions running through my mind.

Why was Logan with Brandon? Had he gotten over me? Why did he look so tired? What did they do?
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