Status: Complete.



I had been having a bad week, a horrible week, non-stop. Brandon and Logan making out down every hall I turn into, all over each other, at one point I'm pretty sure they got clothes off in the hall, but that was a rumor I heard. Everywhere I turn I see them all over each other, Brandon’s hand groping Logan’s ass while Logan fingers tangle themselves in Brandon’s hair.


Me and Alex were currently making out way to 2nd when what do you know, Logan and Brandon, making out against a set of lockers.

“Fuckin’ faggots,” I hiss under my breath, so only Alex can hear me.

“Yeah, there a disgrace to the world,” He seems to be the one making everything so dramatic.

“Dude, their just people,” I can’t believe I'm sticking up for them, “I mean, they may not be men, but they are people.”

“Whatever,” Alex sighs; it’s been a long week.

“So, when’s the next big party? I think I wanna go get pissed, I’ve had enough of this god damn school, this stupid science project, I just wanna get smashed,” I whined, fully aware I sounded like a 10-year-old.

“There’s a party tonight, if you up to it,” he grinned, hugely.

“I'm there, pick me up at 7 yeah, my cars being a bitch, I can barely make it to school in the morning,” I said, not waiting for confirmation before walking inside the class room.



The lunch bell startled me, I jumped high, landing on the floor that made the class laugh.

“Come on, Damien,” Alex said, thrusting his hand in my face. I grabbed it, brushing the dirt that’s actually not there of the back of my pants, gathering my stuff and walking towards the door were Alex was already standing.

“Eww, they’re at it again,” Alex said pointing toward two people in the courtyard, One was sitting on a bench, hand hands conveniently placed on the others guys hips, I recognized this one as
Brandon, the other was straddling him, one of his hands in Brandon’s hair, the others I could just make out as it ventured into the older man’s shirt, touching his chest, Logan.

“Argh,” I groaned, I hated it when they we’re merely kissing near me, let alone, make out slash strip tease.

“Get a room, Adams,” I yelled, towards the boys, causing them to jump, Logan's hand falling from Brandon's shirt.

“Get a life, asshole,” Brandon yelled while Logan glared, fixing his pants, trying to make the boner he was sporting less noticeable.

“Got one, Brandon, and it don’t involve sucking face with guy, faggot,” I hiss, I gotta admit, not the best come back. Both boys merely stood up and brushed themselves off, walking towards there next class.

“Gross,” Alex muttered behind me.

“Yeah, gross,” And that had been happening all week, everywhere I look their they’re making out.
It was getting distracting, I would see them in 1st touching each other up, I would watch as Brandon's hand got high up Logan's thigh until he would moan, out loud!

I couldn’t wait for this party tonight, getting pissed would be so much fun, getting so wasted I can’t remember what's happening sounds like fun, maybe for a couple minutes I could think my life was normal, I could pretend I had a normal life, normal friends and normal class, I could have straight friends, not friends that liked dick.

Maybe tonight I can pretend my life isn’t as fucked up as it is.


Science passed like it always does, awkwardly, we still had to sit without partners, and it was horrible, we didn’t talk at all, I hoped he would try again like he did last week, then maybe instead of being the stupid fool I was I could answer him, even if we were just talking about the

I looked at the clock, 5 minutes left until I can leave this reached hell hole.

Even though I was expecting it it still shocked me when the bell rung, it was loud and my head was hurting, a major headache making itself known.

Ahh, I’ll just take some panadol when I get home, I’m still going to this party, I thought to myself.

At home it took me all of 20 minutes to shower and get dressed in my Never Shout Never top and a pair of black skinny jeans, I grabbed my wallet and chucked it in my back pocket, walking out front waiting for Alex.

Not ten minutes later Alex had his crappy Toyota escalade parked in my driveway.

“Come on, Damien, we gotta go, it’s a long drive,” He yelled, glaring at me, and my slow pace.

“Yeah whatever,” I groaned.

After getting in the car we blared All Time Low all the way there, the drive wasn’t that long, about half an hour really, but it was long enough that we got bored half way though.

“So is Katie gonna be there?” I asked, very well hoping not, I didn’t like having her hang off me.

“Oh, nah, she’s at Blake’s party, but when I asked if I could crash, the bastard swung at me, I was all like, back away slowly,” he laughed, speeding up slightly. The dial clicking at 110.

“Slow the fuck down man, I don’t feel like being road kill today,” I hissed, I tend to be doing that a bit lately.

He laughed it off but eased the gas, the dial sliding down to 90 then past 80 to 75.

“Happy?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah thanks,” I sighed, “What about the booze?”

“It’s free,” This fact brightened my view considerable.


Tonight was going to be so much fun.
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